«10» Alexis

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Angel (not edited)

First day of college and I'm already in a bad mood. My period started and my cramps have decided to have a rave party in my stomach today. I was up around 9 in the morning and went to the cafeteria to get some breakfast. I came back to the room to take some medicine hoping that my stomach will settle down. I don't even have a hot water bottle. What was I thinking?

My classes start at 12 for today and go on to about 5. Then I'll have to deal with my mother and my uncle when they get here at 6.

I'm not in the mood for anything at all today. Austin already left for class with the rest of the boys leaving me to sleep peacefully for a few more hours without hearing him snore.

I was moping around this morning when Austin guessed that it was that time of the month. I didn't have to tell him directly either. Hearing him say it made me feel embarrassed so I locked myself in the bathroom until he left.

I sprawl out like a starfish with a blanket over me letting sleep takeover me.


"Angel, you're going to be late for class!"Austin wakes me up throwing his books on the ground. I look at the time and immediately hop up from my bed sprinting to find some nice clothes.

It's 11:30 right now and my classes start at 12 I get ready in under 10 minutes which is definitely a new record.

"Bye Austin!" I call out grabbing my bookbag and sprinting towards the elevator. I quickly take out the layout of the campus and my printed schedule heading in that direction. I get to the class with 5 minutes to spare luckily. A few kids trickle in after me and in walks the professor.

"Welcome college students to the Music Industry course that you've selected. In order to pass this course, you have to get a certain amount of internships with local schools that offer music, but we'll get into that later." I can already tell this class is going to be a major drag. I take in the setting of the auditorium. Kids are all scattered around the huge auditorium. Brown walls, front stage with a white board, and dull red seats, al connected to each other. There's a kid sitting all the way in the back with his eyes trained on mine. I quickly turn around to avoid the glare of his eyes.

"To start off the class I'm going to take attendance to learn all your names, correct me if I am wrong. You know teachers who take class attendance are absent-minded." He chuckles proudly to himself while the class sits in silence, not finding his joke funny at all. He starts calling names off of the roster.

"Alexis Fitch?"

"Here" Calls our the girl sitting beside me.

"Angel Owens-Wright?"

"Here." I call out plainly.

"William Clayton?"

"Here." Another voice calls out from beside Alexis.

The instructor goes along until he reaches the end of the list which is about 15 minutes later since the class is so big. Only 2 more hours to go in this class and the next would be a math class I have to take in order to take this class. That's so stupid isn't it?

"Hey can I borrow a pen?" The girl calls out from beside me. "Sorry to bother you, I was just in a rush this morning." Her words rush out.

I chuckle before giving her a pen. "My name's Angel." I introduce myself quietly. Maybe this will be my new girl friend. "That's a unique name, my name is Alexis, but you can call me Lexi for short. I moved here from Starling city."

"I've always wanted to go there, but I just moved here from Maine to take these classes." She nods her head in understanding.

"Hey what class do you have after this?" I ask her. We both have to take another music related class or we would have to demonstrate music theory proficiency by either passing the Department of Music theory placement examination, completing Music 3 with a minimum grade of C+, which I probably wouldn't do. Maybe I'll get lucky and we'll have the same class.

"Music history." She says reading off off of a schedule.

"Hey same! We can walk together because I have no idea where I am going after this." I laugh as she does as well.

This 2 hour class goes by and soon we are sitting in an average sized classroom with 'Music History' displayed on the front white board. That class soon goes by 3 hours later and now I'm making my way back to my dorm.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Lexi calls out to me making her way left, to another dorm hall. I wave goodbye entering my dorm room.

My stomach has been killing me all day! I don't know how I made it 5 whole hours without complaining about it only because I can't rant to anyone. I walk into my dorm to see it empty. Cool! I can go back to sleep for another hour and that's exactly what I'll do.

I'm awoken by the door being opened causing the hallway light to flow in. I squint my eyes then turn to face the wall clutching my stomach just a bit.

"Angel." Zion calls out from behind me. I groan as a response. "Let me sleep." He chuckles to himself placing something beside me and walking out the room. I check the time on my phone. 5:47.

I practically fly out of my bed tripping over a basket. I lay on the floor for like a minute until I look what I tripped over.

There was a brown basket with ribbon on a and a card taped to it. Inside the basket were a bunch of chocolates, cheez-its, an assortment of chips including hot fries, skittles and starbursts.

I open the card next.

Austin told us that it's that week for you. Yea us as in the guys, he can't keep anything to himself. I hope you feel better and I didn't know what else to so so I bought this. :)


I smile to myself reading the note but now all of them know and that's just too embarrassing. He's going to think I'm so fat if I eat all of this. I grab my phone sending him a thank you text.

Thank you for the basket, you didn't have to do that
You're welcome, and I wanted to. It wasn't a problem at all🙃

I start cleaning up my dorm room seeing that they're going to be here in less than 5 minutes. They'll probably be late through, which is good for me because I look a mess. I scurry to the bathroom trying to freshen up a little.

I walk back out observing the once dirty room. How did we manage to mess up this room in less than a week? I have no clue. My phone beeps and I go check it.

Meet us at Cheesecake Factory at 6:30.

She says us referring to her and my uncle. She had just landed an hour ago. I wonder if she even went to her hotel first.

Bring Zion

She concludes over text. I already feel bad for Zion. This is going to be interrogation city for him tonight.
The new characters, Alexis and William are characters based off of Olicity4lyfe 's book but 4 years later.

Any ideas?
Short chapter, sorry guys. Next chapter will be longer

Side note// Babysitting sucks especially when the children don't listen to you, and that's exactly what I'm doing right now.


I'm so freaking happy that the Eagles won the Super Bowl. My boy Nick Foles came in clutch as being back up quarterback and he's now MVP! What a goat😂💯

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