«18» Unknown

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Unknown POV (y'all will probably guess who it is so🤷🏽‍♀️ it's really not "unknown")

(Not edited)

"We had a deal." He slams his fists on the round table with the gun placed on the right.

" I know we did, she's obviously not here yet, we can give you her instead." I point to a light skinned girl standing behind me trying to reason with the man in an all black suit.

"Oh shut up." I roll my eyes annoyed at the girl who begs to not be taken away.

Nothing really bad happens to them...really. They're split up into two groups; the ones who become fighters or the ones who we see no potential that are sold to another gang. What happens when they are sold to another gang, is none of my business.

"Boss, how are you going to sell your own daughter?" One of the 19 year olds says quietly in my ear. "We don't even have her yet." He informs me like I don't already know.

"She's practically not even my daughter anymore, I haven't been in her life for all of it." I grunt in annoyance. I couldn't care less what happen to her honestly. Whatever profits my gang more, I'm all for it.

"2 days, or we'll get her ourselves. Actually, I don't know why we haven't done that already. I put too much trust into your bitch ass." He says dismissing himself from the table with all of his men.

"Aaron, what's up with Dakota? Did you find out any useful things?"

"I know where Dakota lives, I mean I don't know how that might be useful but..." He starts.

"Bravo!" I congratulate. "Perfect! And you say that they're really close or..."

"Yea like best friends." He answers my question before I even finished it.

"Your task is to go to Dakota's apartment and see if she's there first off. Here." I say and hand him one of my favorite hand guns and a knife. "Use this, if you absolutely need to," I point to the gun. "But use this because it's quiet." He nods his head shakily and exits the room.

Another man comes barreling into the room. Just the man I wanted to see! "Omar, my man." I get up patting him on the back. He helps me and the gang out with getting drugs and bailing my men out of jail if it's absolutely necessary.

"I need some favors from you first off to get this fine evening started." I state receiving a briefcase from one of my main people standing behind me. "This, in exchange for getting four of my men out of jail and just a little extra for no reason at all." I open the case revealing half a million dollars. I wouldn't have to be spending this much money if their dumbasses wouldn't have gotten caught selling drugs.

I give major props to Omar because he's been a cop for a long ass time—a corrupt cop at that, and still hasn't gotten caught for sneaking them out. I don't know how he does it, just as long as he does.

He squints his eyes before opening his mouth and speaks. "It'll be done by tomorrow, but I need to know all your plans with Angel and Dakota."

"I can't exactly tell you because  I don't even know what's going to happen exactly. Why do you care anyway? You helped me track her down, actually you helped me scout for any teenage girl around the L.A area." I shrug it off.

"That's my whole niece. Your daughter." He says sternly changing his mind all of a sudden.

"What are you trying to say?"

"That this deal's off first, I'm keeping the briefcase, and you're going to leave Angel out of it." He says while I roll my eyes. I hate flaky people, they always keep changing their damn mind.

"Go ahead and take the briefcase, I have other corrupt cops lined up. Would you like to see?" I mock. If he chooses the wrong thing, he'll have another thing coming. He stands up, straightening his posture and reaches for the briefcase.

I chuckle to myself when he scurried to the door, scared of the looks he's getting from the guards behind me. I flick two fingers in Omar's direction  and before you know it 2 rings of gunshots go off. Omar's pathetic self  falls to the floor along with the money filled briefcase.

"Y'all know what to do, this piece of shit wasn't worth my time anyway." I step over his dead body and pile of blood and head towards my office. I guess it's time to find someone new.

"I need Rory, Send her in here." I furrow my eyebrows at the paper talking to one of the guards

at my door. He nods his head opening the door walking into the plain white hallway.

"She's...busy." Ace says re-entering the room. Busy my ass.

"RORY. Get your hoe ass down here." I swear she's like a god damn child, never fucking listens. But I guess her looks is what makes her a good baiter.

Minutes later, she stumbles into my office looking a whole mess. Her clothes were all messed up and her lipstick was all smeared. Ace smirks smugly, amused at the sight. I roll my eyes but go on to speak anyway.

"First of all, get yourself together, we have a special visitor coming over soon," I look at her appearance once more then continue. "And here; read up on these subjects, we'll be using you for the next few nights." I hand her a stack of papers that have pictures of a few men that I need to take care of and just a little information that'll help her get to the target easier.

She rolls her eyes, popping her gum obnoxiously loud, and heads out of the room. I swear she would've been dead a longgggg time ago if I didn't need her but she's just how all humans need food and water to survive food:vital & necessary to thrive.

"How pleasant." Ace sarcastically mutters under his breath. That's probably why I kept him around, he's just simply funny. I glance at him stifling a laugh but carry on to do some more business work.


"What the fuck is taking him so long?" I yell so almost everyone in here can hear me. Ace glances blankly at me then looks back at the ground.

I knew I should not have sent a fucking 19 year old dumbass to get this skinny ass girl! Maybe it's Dakota. I had Mason track down pictures of both Dakota and Angel and Dakota's not one to mess with. I've never really seen her as a fighter but who knows.

This is honestly ridiculous that I'm even thinking about it because she's Angel's friend or whatever but she would be a good addition to the gang. I'd have to see her loyalty. I'd maybe even bribe her with money—that is if she can fight. No one can turn down money right?

"Ace, You're dismissed for the night. And if you see Aaron, bring his ass to my office right away." I angrily grunt, dismissing him. "Oh and here." It throw him a stack of 20 dollar bills that add up to be 1,000 dollars.

Don't you just love being in charge, head of everything, and the best thing, being rich?

But I'm pissed. It doesn't take that fucking long to basically kidnap a girl. Maybe not for me but like come on. This is basic gang shit 101.


"Yes boss?" He appears in my office no more than ten seconds later. These are the type of employees, I like. He came down here faster than the flash.

"Track down Aaron and Angel Owens-Wright. Now."

"Got it." And with that he leaves the room. Ten minutes later, he comes back down to my office with a laptop.

"Uhh sir, I've managed to hack into a nearby camera just outside of Dakota's place. I've managed to take over and rewind the tapes so here it it." He says handing over the laptop.

Well shit !

Dakota's definitely a fighter I think to myself watching the tapes in front of me.


"We gon fly over to Italy, then we gonna go to Egypt, and then we gonna go back to Africa..." -Zion Kuwonu, 2018. (Zion was high asf on Genius)😂😂
Thanks for 9K😛💜

Angel >Zion Kuwonu (ON HIATUS)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora