«14» If I Ever Fall in Love

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Zion (not edited)

         "Just give me some time to think." She says grabbing her bookbag and purse. I knew this was going to happen but I couldn't focus on anything else. "Angel I didn't mean to upset you." I stand up trying to keep her from leaving. She looks up at me and then walks out the door to her room only 3 steps away.

"Fuck." I mutter under my breath lying back on my messy, unmade bed. That's exactly why I didn't say anything. I knew she'd react badly to it.

The next Day- September 1st

What if I can track the number to an address? Or maybe I can look up his name on google or some shit. Technology really comes in clutch in these situations but it's like a stalkers paradise.

   Google Search

🔎 Omar Owens


Los Angeles Police Department > people > Police Detectives > Omar Owens

Omar Owens: Detective 3, assigned to a specialized division and is responsible for responding to the scenes of crimes, conducting preliminary and follow-up investigations, preparing the required investigative reports, preparing a biopsy of the report, apprehending the suspect, preparing the case for a successful prosecution, and testifying in court.
Contact Information:
Email- OmarO@gmail.com
Phone number- 213-000-0000

That gave me absolutely no useful information but contact information. Let's try something else.

Google Search

🔎Brian Wright

LAPD > charges > people >
July 24, 2004, Brian Wright was charged with Drug paraphernalia earning him 6 months in jail.

October 5, 2006, Brian Wright was then charged for fraud earning him 10 years, no bail.

He only got out of jail 1 year ago meaning he could be planning something again. I only know I have the right person because Angel's mom slid me a picture of him so I would know if anything goes down.

Let me clear my history before someone thinks I'm actually stalking people.

I look at the time and I have to be at my performing arts center for class with the rest of the guys. I close my laptop and put it into my bookbag along with some notebooks, pens, and pencils.

"Hey Z!" Brandon greets me as I walk into the small classroom just outside of the main auditorium. This class is averaged sized only about 30 people so that means I don't have to embarrass myself that much if my voice cracks. We're her smallest class of the surprisingly. She has a class of 65 in the evening and I'm so glad I'm not in that one.

"How'd it go with Angel?" He leans over and whispers the last part. "You know with her crazy ass father."

I give them all a look meaning that it was awful. "Y'all are all shit at advice." I say meaningfully.

"Hey man, I was just trying to go get Alexys that turtle that she wanted." Nick says, putting his hands up in surrender. Everyone including me glares at him. "I'll shut up now." He says looking at all of our faces.

Angel >Zion Kuwonu (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now