«07» Mama and Aurora knows best

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Angel (not edited)

Day 3 of being at the University and today would be considered the third day of going out with Zion. Technically the 2nd but whatever. Seeing that Austin was still asleep, I went to get dressed and sneak out of the room as quietly as I can. I start walking around campus noticing things that I haven't done before.

I take a seat at a picnic table somewhere outside of another cafe on campus where students can work. I'm not used to this type of weather at all. Maine's temperature in August is usually around the mid to high 50's while right now in California, the temperature is 79 degrees.

I take out my phone calling my mom. She picks up after the third ring and I'm immediately bum-rushed with questions. I let out a small laugh begging to answer each one of them.

"Sorry for not calling you earlier mom, I was just getting situated here at the campus." That wasn't totally a lie—I mean I was unpacking but for most of the time spent, I was with Zion.

"It's ok, but I expect a phone call every single day whenever you get a chance and you know if I don't hear a reasonable excuse as to why you didn't call me... I'll most definitely fly out there or even have your uncle drive to UCLA—ya know Anaheim is only about an hour drive to the campus—" she's cut off by me because if I didn't do that, she would've kept going on and on and on. "Ok I'll call you everyday and I'll call Aurora everyday too" I say trying not to worry her too much while I'm basically across the country.

"Ok Angel, I love you and I'll—" I cut her off practically almost screaming "Wait!" into the phone. Cutting people off happens a lot. I know I'll have to tell her sooner or later about my father contacting me but I'll wait. Besides he didn't saying anything that could be considered dangerous or a threat. Let's hope it doesn't get to that.

"Uhh never mind, I love you too mom" I say biting my nails. "Ok honey, talk to you later." And then the call ended.

My next person on my short, short list of people to call is Aurora. Aurora's been my bestfriend since I have no idea when. I think it was 2nd grade. We had another friend too, her name was Rya. We were like the 3 amigas-inseparable. That was until she moved away of course. I wish we had social media and stuff back then so maybe I would have had some sort of contact with her.

"Hey Angel! So that last time I talked to you, you ran into that guy you said was cute. And then you got his number...what happened?!" She shouts through the phone. Damn I didn't even get a hello.

"Well hello to you too, A and he goes to the University...with me! And he stays right across the hall."

"Omg Yes! I don't even know who he is but if you say he's cute, I'm going to take your word for it. So tell me more" she demands. She's probably even more excited than normal because the last time I've talked to a guy was 11th grade, but we didn't even date. I was more focused on school work and getting into a good college. Boys then we're just a distraction and I couldn't have that. That's why I'm here right now.

"Well we've been on like 2 dates already. Well kind of because the first one he got me flowers and I'm allergic to the pollen and whatnot, but then he took me on a second date. We're going on our third date today." After every sentence she would let out a high pitched squeal that would make me move the phone away from my ears.

"He's really cute." I sat finishing off the little rant I just had.

"Who's really cute?" Zion comes around the table sitting across from me. Yea it would've been smart to take Aurora off of speaker at this moment.

"She says you're really cute." Aurora pipes up. And it would've been smart to just make a regular phone call and not FaceTime her. I sit there glaring through the screen at Aurora. Zion quirks an eyebrow up looking at me before he takes the phone out of my hand.

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