«20»Apartment hunting

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Angel (not edited) SHSKSJSK THANKS FOR 13K !

"Angel, wake up." Zion's groggy morning voice comes through the other line of the phone. It's highkey cute, not gonna lie.

"How are you telling me to wake up, but the grogginess is still clear in your voice. Goodbye!" I say angrily and slam my phone back down on the table.

Austin was still sound asleep, loudly snoring. Now I really can't go back to sleep. The one time I actually get a phone call, my phone isn't on do not disturb.

I quickly pick out an outfit then go to the bathroom to take a shower and change. "What are you doing?" I ask Zion when I come out of the bathroom. "Pause. How the fuck did you get in here?" I ask confusedly looking around the room.

"Porter left so I came in." Zion explains as if it's no big deal at all. I simply roll my eyes at him and continue to put my things away while he watches.

"So, are you going to explain why you're here?"

"Why are you so moody? Is it because we kissed because I'll for sure do it again or is it because it's that time of the month again?" He questions making me look at him in bewilderment.

"No. It's because you woke me up on my break at 9am! For what!?"

"Aww poor baby, it's not even that early." He gets up from Austin's bed and strides over to me. "So the answer to why I'm here..." He stops just to wrap his arms around me. He's like a big cuddly bear and probably will call you just to cuddle.

"Your mom told me that she transferred enough money into your bank account to buy a safe and big enough apartment." He says. So that's what they were talking about over the phone in the car yesterday. Makes sense, but wouldn't it be better to live on campus where there's other people? But then again, they already know where my dorm room is.

"She said that she knew that you would basically beg to not be dragged back to Maine since you're now in California and have me." Zion says giving me a goofy smile. "So consider today, apartment hunting day with your favorite."

"Wow. I didn't know I was going to be apartment hunting with Dakota." I tease. He rolls his eyes playfully and tugs me out of the room.

"She sent me a list of nice apartments off of campus so today, we're going to all of them. The first one is Apartment 360." He reads off slowly from his phone then starts the car. I slowly get comfortable in the car leaning my head on the door and looking at all the passing scenery.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Zion hold out his right hand over the center console. I slowly place my hand in his intertwining our hands. At least I think that's what he wanted me to do. I get the confirmation when he grins and looks over to me in satisfaction. To be honest, I thought it was going to be a lot more awkward after we kissed, but I'm glad it's not.

"Hello, How May I help you today?" A blonde female asks as we enter the building almost immediately. She looked like she was about to fall asleep until we came walking in. What she has on isn't even professional for a secretary at all. The outfit she has on looks like she's about to go to the club right after work.

"Uhh, I'm looking for a one bedroom apartment, I'm just seeing what it looks like and what the rent price is looking like." I say as she pays no attention to me whatsoever. Why does the human standing next to me catch everyones eye. Like he could probably make a straight guy turn gay, just for him.

"So, how can I help you?" She directs her attention at Zion.

"I'm with her." Zion says with no emotion. "And can we hurry it up a little because we have places to be." Zion impatiently says.

Angel >Zion Kuwonu (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now