«12» Rya

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Angel (not edited)

"From one to five to fifteen. Fifteen children ranging from ages 4-23 have gone missing all in the past two months. Police say these cases must have to all be linked together. Police don't even have a lead on any case of these missing children and their parents want answers immediately." That's awful! Who in their right mind would even kidnap a kid let alone 15 while children—that's if the cases are linked! One name catches my attention, an all too familiar name.

"We spoke to the parents of Rya Wilson and they say, she's been gone for almost a month and a half and they know she's not the type to ever run away. They are extremely worried and want answers immediately. If you have seen or heard from any of these children that are on your screen now please call 222-453-2196." The reporter concludes and continues on to deliver the next news report.

Rya. Rya Wilson? No. It can't be. Rya was once one of my bestfriends in elementary. It may sound stupid to even why or how I remember her but I do. I remember the day she left with her parents. Aurora and I broke down in tears watching her family's car leave. Maybe it's a different Rya. Hopefully.

On a different note, I don't have my music classes today, I have my engineering classes so I won't get to see Lexi, but we did make a deal to go to lunch together.

*Lunch time*

"Hey guys this is my friend Alexis and her fiancé William," I introduce their names before saying the rest of the guys. "William, Alexis, meet the 5 most idiotic boys you'll ever meet. This is Brandon, Edwin, Austin, Nick, and finally Zion."


"Yea, he proposed to me at my high school graduation." Lexi says.

"That's commitment! I like him! Wassup William." Brandon stands up giving him one of those bro hugs.

"I'm Zion, she saved the best for last as you can tell." Zion gloats in front of everyone.

"She said me second because, first is the worst and second is the best, third is the one with the hairy chest!" Edwin says like a elementary school girl.

Lexi and I have gotten to know a good amount of things about each other during class. We were supposed to be paying attention, but she makes sly comments under her breath about different things and it's really funny. I then learned that she was engaged and thought it was really cute how William proposed to her in high school.

We all take a seat at the table and the conversation fires back up again. Mostly nonsense of course.

"So how long have you guys been together?" Nosy Austin asks.

"For what? About 4 years? I proposed to her senior year. " William says looking at Alexis who's smile has grown big and wide. Alexis nods a yes.

"Four years? Damn that's a real relationship right there." Nick says but then chokes on his food, shocked that they were together for that long.

"Damn chill out Nick, Alexys isn't here for you to choke on." Brandon laughs loudly at his inappropriate joke. William has his jaw clenched tightly as he shoots daggers at the two. Alexis looks really confused and really uncomfortable so I explain it.

"Alexys, spelled A-l-e-x-y-s is Nick's girlfriend who lives in Georgia." I explain.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Both William and Lexi let out at the same time. I laugh as a response to both of them. William has unclenched his jaw and is now joking with the rest of the boys.

"Yea sorry," Brandon apologizes with a grin on his face.

Yea another disaster avoided. That doesn't happen often when I'm with them. For example, Austin was doing this science experiment in our dorm room to prove something Edwin said, wrong. I'm surprised that boy hasn't broken a bone or something for the time we've been here. It went something like this:

"Ok Edwin I'm about to do it." Austin says holding up a match and a Febreze can. I stand in the corner with a uncertain look.

"Trust me." Austin says when he sees my face. That's the last thing I can do right about now.

He lights the match and then sprays the febreze on it, making it flare up and look like he was breathing fire. It looked cool, no gonna lie, but it was ridiculous stupid to even attempt.

"Ow ow! I burned myself." He drops both of the objects to the ground.

"Haha stupid!" Edwin mocks shoving Austin into the bathroom to run water over his hand. Turns out he didn't get burned that badly, he was just overreacting. Another typical day for us here at UCLA.

Today was Saturday and my mom leaves today so I decide that I'll go over to her hotel to say goodbye. I mean I didn't have anything else better to do than mope around. We haven't spoken since the dinner and I was grateful to avoid all the awkwardness that would come after it. It was the least I could do since I wouldn't see her until December.

3 hours later and I finally decide to stop being lazy and get some stuff done. I knock on room 543 on the 5th floor of the Hilton hotel. The door opens slowly and I invite myself inside.

"I came here to say goodbye and have a safe trip back seeing that I won't see you until maybe December." I give my mom a polite smile.

She embraces me in a tight hug saying, "I would've had your uncle apologize to Zion but I couldn't get in touch with him for the whole week. Something about him being busy with work and all that stuff. Hopefully he's been working on your father's case."

The way she says 'your father' bothers me. Like I didn't want my father to turn out to be some crazy ass person that I still don't what his deal is. That's your husband-well ex husband. I nod my head hoping that, that text message will go a long way and see what my father's deal is.

"I just hope that your father isn't right and that boy you're seeing isn't bad as Omar claims." She says trying to get a reaction out of me. I shake me head saying, "Unbelievable! You too now?"

She nods sheepishly. "I mean we're just trying to protect you." It surprised I still have any friends. The first time I invited Aurora over, she had a whole little interrogation with her. She was a child!

I just hope this whole thing passes over with no more problems.

Zion's POV

"Something's up with her uncle, he's just unusual." I speak my thoughts to the guys who are in my dorm room. I showed them the messages that her father sent me but I didn't tell Angel because I didn't want to worry her.

"That sounds like a pretty legit explanation for it all, I mean they both live here in California and he just so happened to text you the day that you went out with her uncle." Nick agrees with me. Edwin looks completely dazed and out of it.

"How are you gonna tell her that you think her uncle is helping her father?" Austin asks.

"I'm not, unless I truly have to. I don't want to upset her." I said and they all nodded in understanding. "I mean how would y'all tell yo girl that you think her uncle is helping her crazed and fucked-up father?"

"Well shit!"

"I mean when you put it that way..."

"Good luck Z, but you're in a crazy situation that I'm glad I'm not in." Brandon gets up and walks to the door, patting me on the back. "I'm going to call Char." He says and walks out the door.

"I'm going to go get that turtle that Alexys wanted." Nick says slowly rising from the chair.

"Nick she lives in Georgia! All the way across the country!" I shout out for help as he close the door. Edwin and Austin don't help either, they sprint to the door faster than the flash.

What friends they are right?

My updating schedule is every Monday if you were wondering!!

Highkey just a filler chapter, sorry for a short chapter.

Happy President's Day

1350 words

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