«06»Second-first dates

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Angel (not edited)

     Since I'm going out with Zion later tonight, I decided to get ready. He still hasn't texted me the time and for all I know, that time could be in 5,10,30, or 45 minutes.

Just like yesterday, I rummage through my suitcases since I still haven't unpacked yet. I should do that, but I'll wait til later. I find a pair of light washed blue jeans with a white sort of half dress shirt walking to the bathroom to change. As soon as I walk back out Austin is fast asleep. Maybe he really didn't  get any sleep while staying with Nick.

I try to be as quiet as I can tip toeing back to my bed, putting my other clothes back into my suitcase— I wore them for like 5 minutes.

I look at myself in the wide mirror that was on the wall. Hey I look good for once, I thought to myself.


My phone goes off and excitement rushes through me, but silently curse when I look at Austin who sits up squinting his eyes at the amount of light in the room. I mutter a quick 'Sorry' before trotting over to my phone and taking it off the charger looking at my screen.

Hey Angel, I heard that you were in California pursuing your dreams

Ok that's very creepy so I ignore it and occupy myself watching my old friend's Snapchat's. Then I get another beep. Exiting out of Snapchat I hope that it's actually Zion this time. Unfortunately, I was wrong.

Angel, it's your dad and I would like to meet up to see how you're doing.

Hell no! He's not my dad he's my father. And after 19 years and you now just want to talk, no. He's contacted my mom many times over the years—not to reunite his so called 'family' or anything but for money. Let me fill you in a bit.

Yes I am biracial. My mom is black and my father is white but I was only raised by my mom and I really admire her for being a strong black woman especially with all the racism back then.

My father's side of the family immediately did not approve of her because on her race. They definetly didn't approve of her when they found out that they were having a baby together. She was even pressured into getting an abortion. I can't even imagine the amount of stress that it put on her even dealing with the racial slurs she would get called when going to her "lover's" family dinners and all.

As soon as my mother had me, he left. And it kills me every single day that he left my mother in a state where help and love is needed the most in a woman's lifetime but my mom fought through it—she's a trooper and I absolutely love her for it. Of course my Auntie has been a big help during this. My grandmother just died a year before. He left knowing he has a child! I'm glad my mom left him, he let his family get to him just by words. I hope he has no intention of reuniting with his 'family', actually no we are not a family, it's just my mom and I. Always has been and always will be, but I'm hoping she finds someone who loves her and doesn't use her.

They were married for just a year, and then had me. That's where I get my last names from. My father's last name is Wright, even though he was ALL WRONG in this situation.

Ironic right?

My mom's last name is Owens. So Angel Owens-Wright is where my names comes from. My mom has told me the story of why she named me Angel many times. She said that I was her light in all the darkness just like an Angel.  Only a couple months later, I was with my aunt almost every single day. She worked from home making it easier to watch me. My mother was and still is a social worker. She works on a computer all day long but the pay was good for her to raise me.

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