chapter 1 ; My Problem

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This chapter, Elsa is 6 years old meanwhile, Anna is 4 years old.

¨     Elsa POV

Winter is my favorite season of the year, I always play snow with Anna. We have a great time together play in the snow. winter also the season the that I can show my gift. But today I make a mistake that I cannot forget. I accidently struck at Anna head.

 And right now Anna is in hospital. I want to follow my parent  to the hospital but my parent won't allow me. I felt very guilt, I ran to the nearest park and cry so hard. I don’t care if someone scold at me.

When I cry , I heard someone walk toward me, but I didn’t do anything and continue cry until a heard a the person tried speak to me. And it is a boy , I think he is same age as me.

The boy: hi….are you ok?

 Elsa     : I don’t know, I don’t know anymore, do you think I’m ok? Why are                    you here anyway?! (I yell at the boy)

The boy: sorry…I just don’t like to see someone cry in front me. If you mind to share your problem with me, at least I can help you.

Elsa      :I hate myself, I feel like I was the worse person that ever live. I’m a monster, I hate myself… (I continue begin to break down again)

Suddenly I feel someone hug me, and it was the boy. He tried to comfort me. I froze for a while then I hug him tightly and cry a little, I feel sorry to the boy because I lightly mist his jacket. But I feel safe around his arm.

Elsa      : thank you for comfort me. ( I wipe my tear)

The boy: you welcome, I glad I can help. Bye I have to go. I hope we can meet again.

Elsa       : thank you again. I hope so, btw my name is Elsa, Elsa Summer

The boy :nice to meet you Elsa, my name is J………. , ok bye(and run toward the street)

I didn’t heard his name because of there was a truck honking, I want to ask to the boy again but the boy just disappear. But the only think I remember his hand is cold. The boy is weird, it is very cold right now but he shiver at all even though he wear thin cloth. I see at the bench and I saw a bit of frost in it but I just let it be because I know no one will notice it.

When I came home, my parent told me that Anna was alright and I glad that my sister is still alive. But my parent told me that Anna has amnesia, but she just forgot about my power.

Since that day, I always console myself from Anna. Sometime Anna say to me that I was cold hearted because I always ignore her but deep down in my heart I care about he, I don’t want to hurt her again even if I hurt myself.


This is the first chapter, I hope you guys like it, sorry if there was spelling and grammar mistake. Thank you for reading this chapter. You guys can comment me. Btw, I like you guys to watch the video, it was my favorite frozen duet cover. Hehehe….

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