chapter 6: Youtube Star!

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Chapter 6: youtube star!

Hiccup POV

I walk in the school way early to search for Elsa, I feel bad for Elsa yesterday perhaps I should apologize to Elsa today.

“AHHH!!!” I scream manly( yeah right~). Since when our school having carnival and why there so many clown in this school? well I have phobia with clown ( it just girls wearing too much make up end up like a clown, too many powder and bright lip stick and overload mascara, I hope you guys can imagine it)

I walk toward my locker and I found Merida (Hiccup’s locker beside Merida’s)

Merida: hay hic! Why do you like just saw a ghost?

Hiccup: hey Merida, umm Merida since when your mom hire many clowns today?

Merida: clowns? My mom didn’t say anything about hire clowns today,why?

Hiccup: see for yourself

Merida: aww… the big guy scare with clown, aren’t ya?

Hiccup: me? I never afraid of anything

Merida: oh really?hmmm hey Sarah can I talk to you

Sarah one of the girl who wear makeup like crazy

Hiccup: hye what are you doing?

Merida: nothing just want to make conformation

Sarah: hey, Merida what are you what to talk about?

My blood rush rapidly in my vine, seriously the makeup really creep me out. I can’t even say a thing. What wrong with girls today?

Merida: umm Sarah, what wrong with ya face, is something wrong?

Sarah: what? nothing wrong with me. It just…..umm do you know about the new guy?

Merida: uh, jack yeah I know him, why?

Sarah: don’t you know who is he?

Merida: the heir of ‘Overland Company’, duh!

Sarah: he not just the heir of the famous company, he also a famous Youtube singer (like Sam Tsui, omg! I love him!)

Merida: how can I don’t know it, do you know Hiccup?

I shake my head, damn why can’t I say something

Merida: I ask you again, why are you put so much makeup?

Sarah: to get attention duh!

Then I heard a hysterical scream. The girls and boys fan girl at Jack (wait is this right). All of them what to give present to Jack

Sarah: he’s here!* run toward the group and joining in*

Jack: CAN YOU GUYS SHUT UP!!* yell*

Everyone: *silent*

Merida: someone in a bad mood today. Ok bye hiccup, I have to go to ma mom office.

Hiccup: ok, bye

Jack walk toward me with a tired face. What happen to him, he like didn’t get enough sleep. The fan make a way so Jack can walk but they still scream but not noisy than earlier.

Jack: can’t you back off, can’t you see a person need some privacy*yell but not hard*

The student  start to do their own work. Now I feel bad for Jack.

Hiccup: hey, Jack

Jack: hey, hic* tired*

Hiccup: dude, what wrong with you it look like you didn’t get good sleep

Jack: yeah, you can say that

Hiccup: what wrong with you, it ok you can trust me I can keep your secret btw I’m a school councilor.

Jack: ok, I trust you but can we talk at a private place I can’t stand with this stare.

Hiccup: sure

We enter in Berk (I think I should a name the hide out  so.. I think Berk is ok, wow I terrible at making names)

Hiccup: so please continue

Jack: Well you know what happened at Starbuck yesterday. Something bother me since the incident it like someone plan this incident. When Elsa at the counter I was talking with you guys right?

Hiccup: yeah, and then you say you excuse yourself go to the washroom

Jack: that the thing, I don’t even want to go the restroom it like I have different thought, went I walk away I just walk near the counter and I stop, I don’t know way I stand there and then someone push me and bumped with Elsa and then the incident begin. Even went I quarrel I feel the air is change it feel like fear and anger. Something not right.

Wow, this is new I never knew the air feel change. I just feel the temperature suddenly drop like 0 degree and I know it because of Elsa power. I know her since she’s 6 year old.

Jack: but there something else

Hiccup: that is it?

Jack: her eyes became dark blue. It’s not normal cause her eye is baby blue

Hiccup: how can you tell that? Do you had a crush on her?

Jack: seriously hic, can’t you be serious you much older than me but you just like a child

Hiccup: fine, so what do you want to do?

Jack: I don’t know

Hiccup: you can apologize to her

Jack: what? Apologize, No way I have apologize her of dozen times but she never accept it so that will be a waste of my time.

Hiccup: suite yourself

Punzie: hey guys, whatcha doing?

Punzie enter in our hide out and sit at bean bag chair beside me

Jack: just a guy talk

Punzie: okay~ where Merida?

Hiccup: uh, she has to go her mom office


Hiccup: that’s the bell.

We exit from our hide out and went to our classes


That it for today, it’s look like someone planed the incident, I know it me cause it my story but there will be new character. At first, I what to put Jack as a secret agent but a secret agent always serious and busy so put Jack as a famous youtuber but not like pewdiepie. the pic at the media is Jack's frost motorcycle (frost)

And I hope you guys like the video at the media. It was a deleted song in frozen'life too short', I wonder why Disney didn’t put this song in the movie. I totally love if they didn’t replace this song with’ for the first time in forever reprise’. I really like this song. Btw, thank you melantha123 for telling me how to post my drawing to the media but it didn’t help much but I really grateful for you, if any of you know how to post drawing please share with me. Before I forgot, It almost Eid in Malaysia. To all Muslim happy fasting, don’t eat too much.



Ps: sorry for typo and wrong grammar, please vote if you like this chapter J


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