chapter 5 : hate him

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Chapter 5: hate him

Jack POV

I put my books in my locker and then I felt someone behind me

Hiccup: hi Jack, wanna hang out at Starbucks? my treat *smile*

Jack: hmmm…just two of us?

Hiccup : well Merida and Punzie will join too

Jack: hmmm-

Elsa POV

-------After school-------- at Elsa’s locker---------

I got massage from Punzie earlier, and say to meet her at starbucks after school. I want to hang out with her but I have practice today. Then, my phone started to ring

Elsa: hello

Mom: hello sweetie, I got message from Punzie that she to hang out with you, so do you want to go?

Elsa: I want to but I have practice today so I can’t

Mom: I thought that you should say that, it ok Elsa I have call your coach that you can’t practice today

Elsa: wait! What! No mom, I will practice today. I don’t want to waste your money like that

Mom: its ok sweetie, it just this once I want you to enjoy with your friends

Elsa: ok mom….mom?

Mom: yes, Elsa?

Elsa: thank you mom, you are the best mom I ever have

Mom: and you and Anna are my best daughter I ever have. Have a good time, sweetie

Elsa: I will

(End conversation)

I walk toward my car and drive toward nearby Starbucks

------At Starbuck------

I found Punzie and Merida when Punzie wave her hand at me. Looks like she already order her drink so I decided to buy ‘Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino Blended Crème’ which is my favorite drink in Starbucks. After a long wait for my drink I walk toward Punzie and Merida and I sit beside Punzie and start our nice conversation. But it not last long. Hiccup: hi guys, hey Elsa I didn’t though that you can join us

Punzie: I ask Elsa to join us today

Elsa: *smile*

Hiccup: hey Elsa, I want to introduce my new friend*point at the counter*

Elsa: who?

I didn’t see hiccup new friend yet cause he backing me. Then he start to turn around, I saw him and he see me. I feel like my heart stop beating

Elsa& Jack: What Are You Doing Here! (In unison)

Elsa& Jack: this is my friends (in unison again)

Elsa& Jack: stop copying me! (And again)

Elsa& Jack: ok, let stop this (Ergh! Again)

Punzie: awww! You two soo sweet! *squelling*

Hiccup: yeah, you two could make cute couple

Merida: I agree

Elsa& Jack: shut up! *yell* (and again when this will stop -_-)

Merida: ok, ok jeez *put his hand surrender*

Hiccup: me too

Elsa: Punzie, do you really has to do this I though this just a girls hang out

Punzie: aw, Elsa don’t be like this, isn’t the more  the merrier (is this right?)

Elsa: whatever *stand up*

Merida: Elsa, do you want to leave?

Elsa: I just want to buy a dessert, I’m staving

Jack: *chuckle*

Elsa: What?

Jack: it was my first time a girl is so honest

Elsa: it’s that wrong? *walk away*

I buy some chocolate chip cookie and chocolate moist cake after a hard decision. Wow, that was hard because all dessert look delicious. I carefully hold my tray and I walk toward my sit then-


I bump into someone again and I know who I bump into because it was the same person I had crushed into this morning, the person who has a hard chest is Jack Frost.

All my food lying on the floor and my cake….. NOOOOO!!!My favorite dress, my dress is dingy. I had enough!!


Jack: I’m sorry. I didn’t meant to-

Elsa: shut up! I don’t care what you’re going to say

I know everyone eye on us but I don’t care. I just can’t control my emotion.

Jack: hey, it’s not only my fault! Why don’t you watch were you going!?

Random people: it’s freaking cold in here?

Casher: is someone control the air condition?

Then, I feel a feeling slap inside of me. The temperature started to drop, I can’t stay here any longer. I ran out from the café and drive toward home. I left my dessert at the café and didn’t dare to look back, I know I should not join stupid hang out. I run inside my room, thank god Anna is at her room.

I lock my room, I cry a lot. Anna never knew I always cry in my room. I cry on my bed not to bother the stain on my dress. I cry until I felt asleep although it still early.


New update! Yeah! Let celebrate. Btw there an awesome video at the media I really like this video it is edit perfectly. And to  be the truth I have a problem, can any of you can teach me how to post my drawing at the media cause I really want to show to you guys as my apology , so if any of you can show me, please, please help me I really need it.

Ps: sorry for the wrong spelling/ typo and also my grammer

Oh, and also, if you guys like this chapter please vote, I really appreciate it J

*throw teddy bears*

To all the Muslim I wish you all happy fasting.


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