chapter 7: my first guy friend

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Chapter 7: my first guy friend( not gay, ok?)

Merida POV

I walk toward my class with Hiccup and my friend, Astrid. Astrid is also Hiccup are best friend since kindergarten I don't know if Astrid have a crush on him or not. Astrid know that I have crush with Hiccup, even Elsa and Punzie don't know I have crush toward Hiccup. I still remember the first time I meet him.


( 2 years ago)

Astrid: Merida, is that you?

Merida: Astrid?

Astrid: OMG it is you! Wow I really happy to see you here

. Astrid ran to me and crush me with hug. OMG she soo strong, I can't breath

Astrid: oh, Merida I miss you bestie

Merida: M-me too. Umm can you please let me go

Astrid: oh, sorry*release Merida*. So it has been 2 years huh?

Merida: yup, 2 years we didn't see each other. You still look beautiful like always like nothing has changed well except your hair is longer than the last time I saw you

Astrid: thanks. You also still the same with your crazy hair

Merida: well thank you, I take that as a complement

Astrid: positive as always.

??? : there you are Astrid, I been looking for you

Astrid: what do you want hic?

Astrid always be a cold hearted girl when she in front a guy. So she never change

???: I have your mom order that I can't let you walk by yourself

Astrid: huh typical mom, so Merida this is hiccup as known as hic, well he is my best friend

Merida: hey, the name is Merida, nice to meet ya*

Hiccup: nice to meet you too

I never have a guy friend. Well this guy is my first guy friend. Hey even I boyish kind of person that doesn't mean I have a lot of guy friend. In my eyes i see that Hiccup is kind, smart, he's look hot with his glasses. When I look at him I feel my heart beat fast like it want to race out from my body(cheesy huh?)

-end flash back-

"Ouch!" I feel pain on my head. I accidentally got hit by a door,well my classroom door. Thanks god it only Astrid and Hiccup see my embarrassing moment.

Astrid: looks like someone have a daydream

Merida: n-no I'm not, I just thinking about something

Hiccup: here let me help you* lending his hand

Merida: thanks * accept it*

I blush like crazy went I hold Hiccup hand, I feel like-

Astrid: love is in the air~

Hiccup: whatever Astrid, so I have something to say

Astrid: what is it? Oh, don't tell me you want to propose her?

Hiccup: what! No, I just want to to ask if you what to go hiking this Saturday and of course I will bring toothless.

Astrid: uhh~ I miss that little guy, sure but I have to told aunt Mich

Merida: well I have to discuss with my mom first

Hiccup: great! So I should go, see you guys later bye

Astrid: bye

we enter to our English class, urgg... I hate English.


I'm very sorry for the late update. To be honest I want to update way earlier but I can't cause I have problem with my laptop, I can't access internet although my WiFi is working and right now I tried to update using my phone, it look like I have to update using my phone for a while until I can repair my laptop.

So that my reason why I can't update more early so lets move on,if you guys still didn't understand about this relationship of the 3 person above I will do the explanation on the next update. I also want to thank you guys for reading, vote and also comment at my fanfic I really appreciate it.

You guy also can follow me on instagram that I've just made it for this fanfic, you can follow it by this username 'littlesweet_jelsa'. I will post my drawing about this fanfic with this username. So I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

the moral of this story: do not daydream while walk or you will be like Merida well except there will be no Hiccup to help you.

PS: I'm sorry if there a wrong grammar or typo


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