chapter 14: Confession

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Chapter 14:Confenssion

Next day at recess

Merida POV

I went to ‘Berk’ our hideout  when recess. Today I don’t have any mode to eat at cafeteria although I like that place. Last night is the worse night I had this year. I’ve been grounded because I sneak out form home just one day. ONE DAY ONLY. And I got grounded  for ONE week.

Are you kidding me? With no laptop, tablet, and even phone.How the heck I can survive without this for one week? How can I finish sword art online game? I almost level 67. I also can’t heard my favorite song GTFO my room from Ryan Higa. I wish I could say like Ryan say to his parent.

I really hate my life. Mom forced me to enter attitude class but I don’t want to. She always controls my life like she controls this school. I wish she could understand how I feel.

Hiccup: hey, Merida

Merida: oh, hey hic

Hiccup: what wrong with you today, why aren’t you having lunch at cafeteria?

Merida: I not in the mood

Hiccup: you not yourself today

Merida: what?

Hiccup: I mean why are you looks so down?

Hiccup walk beside me and sit on one if the sandbag beside me with a weird face, I mean he look worried that weird so I just ignore his weird attitude.

Merida: I got grounded

Hiccup: why?

Merida: because I sneak out without telling mom

Hiccup: *laugh* hahaha… typical you

I punch Hiccup’s arm. I was mad at him. How could he laugh at me like that. I sneak out because of him. I want to keep my promised with him. I have a crush on hiccup that why I able to keep my promised.

Hiccup: ouch! That hurt

Merida: you should to, I grounded because-

Hiccup: of me *serious tone*

Wait how did he know?

Hiccup: I knew that you got grounded because you want to keep your promise with me but why? You always can say to me that you can’t go, I don’t mind.

Merida: I have my reason

Hiccup: and what the reason?

Merida: I can’t tell you!

I can’t hold my temper, this is so embarrassing for mad at Hiccup with no reason.

Hiccup: and why is that?!

Merida: it non of your business, OK!

Hiccup: of course it also my business, I’m your friend *soft tone*

I hate when we just a friend, a normal friend. I want to tell him I like him more than a friend but I can’t. I scared  our friendship will be fall apart.

Hiccup: I’m sorry for making you promise me. If it weren’t for me you could continue with your game that you want to finish.

Hiccup stares at the floor.

Merida: hey, it not your fault that I like this. It also my fault because I didn’t ask my mom permission first before I went out. I was so excited to be free from mom*giggle*. So don’t blame yourself

Hiccup: ok, but can’t ask you question?

He move his face and gaze at me

Merida: fire it up!

Hiccup: why you really hold you promise to me?

Merida: um…I….

I don’t know want to answer. I could not answer it. I can’t say I do it because I like him.

Hiccup: I thought so

Merida: what?

Hiccup: you couldn’t answer it.*smile at me*

Merida: that..becau-

Hiccup: I like you

Wait, WHAT!!!!

Merida: excuse me?

Hiccup: I like you, Merida. I like you more than just a friend

Merida: but…but Astrid?

Hiccup: Wow, I never seen Merida shutter before, she look so cute

Merida: that I’m cute

OMG! This is so crazy. Hiccup like me and he also say I’m cute

Hiccup: this I say that out loud

I nodded, so he was talking to his thought. Wait he haven’t answer my question.

Merida: you say, you like me but how about Astrid? I mean you guys were so close to each other

Hiccup: Astrid is just my friend, my mom and her mom are best friend so we kinda close since kinder garden. But I don’t have any feeling accept friend.

So he just friend, I thought he have a feeling with Astrid cause Astrid is beautiful than me. She good at many types of combat than me. She also more smarter than me.

Hiccup: don’t compare between you and Astrid! *mad*

Did I say that loud?

Hiccup: yes

Merida: *facepalm* sorry

Hiccup: so do you like me?

I was surprise went Hiccup ask me that, I forget to say it back

Merida: well-


Punzie: There you are, I was searching for you guys. I was having recess alone with Jack. Why are you not having lunch at cafeteria *mad*

Jack was standing behind Punzie and he has smirk on his face and he was smirking at Hiccup?

Punzie: wait, am I disturbed something?

Hiccup: well no, we was our on the way to the class

Punzie: but the a lot of time before the bell ring

Merida: well we want to enter the class early. Let’s go Hiccup!

I have to escape from Punzie if not she will know everything. I running while holding Hiccup wrist until we found an empty closet. We breathe deeply until we calm ourself.

 Hiccup: so what that for?

Merida: to answer your question, idiot!

Hiccup: so your answer is?

I tip toe and pull his collar shirt near to me and kiss on his cheek.

Merida: that my answer

And I run out from the closet and went to my locker.


-Finish mericcup moment yeay.

- @Percy_Jackson_16, thanks for your feedback :)   

-I hope you like it.





Our love (high school Jelsa)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora