chapter 12: Save Me!

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Chapter 12: save me!

This chapter is kinda a sad chapter

Jack POV

I slowly open my eyes, I lying on a soft………snow? What? Where am I? I suddenly stood up and rubbed my eyes multiple times. Why am I at a forest? What is this place?

I start to walk aimlessly, I don’t know where am I going. I walk and walk and walk until I saw a little cottage. I run to the cottage.

I am now standing in front of the door. I was about to knock but something surprise me.

What the freaking frost?

I can’t knock the door…… my hand just past though the door! Am I translucent? What wrong with me? What I feel right now is uneasiness like something bad is happened. Wait I feel this feeling earlier when…..WAS I supposed to be at the Nasional Stadium, how the hell I can get here?

As I on my thought suddenly a little boy appear out from the cottage while holding a little girl I guess the little girl is her sister she look like 4 mean while the boy look like 6.

They skip out from the door and walk away, they seems so happy especially the girl.

Jack: ummm…. Excuse me little boy, can you help me?

Boy: …….

I walk faster to past the boy but like I said before I like a ghost they just walk past me. So right now I just follow them maybe I can get a clue to get out from this place. I don’t know why but I have the feeling this boy is like me.

I end up follow them until they stop at a frozen pond. They started to wear the skate shoes and went to the frozen pond. They look so cute, the boy hold his sister hand and happily skate together. I just watched them well that just the thing that I could do.

A few minutes later

Boy: let just have a rest sis, I tired.

Girls: awww…. I wanna to skate more, pweesseee*whine*

Boy: fine you can continue but be careful ok? I go take a rest

The little boy sit on a nearby frozen rock. He open his shoes and stretching his leg, then

Jack! Help me!

What? The girl called me? Wait that not right, see never saw me. Then the little boy is sun to his sister without wearing his shoes. So the boy’s name is also Jack.


Wait is that crack sound again, it was the same sound I heard when I was skated at National Stadium.

My eyes is now at the two figures in front of me, the girl look very scared even the boy, but the boy seems like to keep in composed. I tried to walk to the two figure but I can’t, it like my legs was been frozen to the ground. What?

Boy: hey it ok, it ok, don’t look down just look at me * tried to reach his sister*

Girl: Jack I’m scared

Scared of what? Then I saw something beneath the little girl. There a crack. I tried to help the poor girl but something blocking me.

Boy: I know, I know*tried to approach the girl* but you gonna be alright. You not going to fall in. uhhhh..

What he going to do? Please hurry…

Boy:*smile* were gonna have fun instead.

Seriously have fun at this time is he crazy?

Girl: no were not* start to cry*

Boy: would I trick you

Girl: yes you always play trick

Boy: no, alright. Well n-not this time. I promise, I promise you gonna be….you gonna be fine. You have to believe in me.

The girls suddenly sigh hard maybe she have hold her breath because of the fear she had. Oh, please can’t I just use my power to save them.

Boy: you wanna play game? We’re gonna play hopscotch, like we play everyday*smile* it easy as one

The boy step one closer to her sister, there a crack when he step. He feel nervous but he still make fun for the girl


The ice is thinner that the first step


He safely land on thin ice then the boy found a stick with a ‘C’ curve at the end of the wooden stick and take it

Boy: ok now it your turn

He got ready with the stick. Well this boy is clever than a other 6 year old child.


The girl tried to skate near her brother


Another step further


The boy pull his sister with a force and his sister successfully land her sister at the safe place. I feel relief, they also laugh with happiness . But there still a crack sound it getting louder. My eyes move toward the boy and I see nothing. What’s wrong!?

Girl: JACK!

The boy fell into the frozen pond! WAIT, NO! NO! THIS CAN”T BE HAPPENING! I want to help poor little girl but I can’t I still stuck. The little girl start to save her brother but she’s can’t because the water is so cold. And she’s and up crying.

Girls: Jack, I- I- I’m sorry Jack, I’m sorry mom*crying hard*

PLEASE MAKE THIS JUST A DREAM-NO NIGHTMARE. I can’t do anything but cry. My heart feels tight when I see the girl cry. She just saw her brother died in front on her.

Please make it stop!

Make it stop!

This is to horrible

Then there a warm light in front of me.

Then I feel warm, like a hug but this hug seems familiar

???: Everything gonna be alright. Don’t be scared. You can fight you fear, Jack.

I open my eyes and I still feel the warm hug.


New update, I still have my exam tomorrow but still update it.

-      I hope you like this chapter cause I really like this chapter J

-      I make the little Jack slightly younger(6 y.o) to make it suitable to my story

-      Question time:

Who do you think that hug Jack?

 it definitely not Elsa who hug Jack cause she really hate him

-      Leave the answer in the comment  ;)

-      vote

-      #teddy


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