Chapter 8

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(Mangle's P.O.V.)
"If the new guy can join the asian group than you can join us." I explained to Springtrap. "It's true." Joy agreed. "I don't know. I don't want to get you guys in trouble." Springtrap argued. "Problems? We're over problems." Bon said. We entered our practice room and saw the new guy standing there. "Are these your instruments?" He asked. "Yes those are our instruments. Also this room is already been reserved." I answered. "Calm down. I'm sure he has the wrong room. Which room did you want to go to?" Bon said. "I'm actually where I want to be." The new guy said. "You sure?" Bon said. "Yes. Actually this is the place I wanted to be." The guy answered. "Oh no, no,no this place is reserved for us." I argued. "Excatly us." The guy said totally missing my point. "Huh?!" We all shouted in confusion. "Actually I was going to ask if I could be part of your team." The guy clarified. "What?! No way!" I said angrily. Spring held me back from attacking the guy. "Are you sure? Don't you have a team?" Joy said. "Yeah... But looking at it... I'm sure you guys are the winning team." The guy said. Bon started bragging about our band, but the guy cut him off. "So we have a deal?" He said.  "I wasn't finished." Bon said sadly. "I said no! There are only four instruments and there are already four of us." I explained. "That's the funny thing if I can't join... Neither can he." The guy threatened. "Plus I brought my own." He said as he pulled out a guitar(?).
(Freddy's P.O.V.)
I stood waiting for the fitting of our new costumes to be over. "Don't you think this is a bit...?" I started. "Tacky?" Fred suggested. "Excessive?" I said. "Don't move. Actually can you move a bit to the right." Chica commanded. I did and Fred switched with me.
(Fred's P.O.V.)
"Just as well as I didn't have to move." I said. Me and Freddy switched and I became just a shadow. "Uh... I mean isn't time for... Lunch." Freddy said trying to cover up what I said.
(Freddy's P.O.V.)
"It's seven o'clock." Bonnie said. "Uh..." I started. "It isn't time to have lunch or dinner. Unless you're English." Bonnie explained. I was switched with Fred. "English is my last name. Right, Mon Amie." Fred said to (Y/N) as she had a bit of pink on her cheeks. "That's French!" Me and Golden said. "Since when did the homeless know French?" Fred said to Golden. Golden started to cry and (Y/N) tried comforting him. "Fred, you don't talk like that to our friends." I lectured. "Ha! If I could move then I would give you a high five." Foxy said as he tried to move close to Fred. Me and Fred switched and Fred said, "See! He likes it." "Well I didn't. He isn't a role model. He's a bully." I said to Fred. Foxy started to cry along with Golden. "Well... Well you don't say that to your friends Freddy." Fred said copying what I told him before. "It's your fault." I argued. "Sure Freddy, everything is my fault. Did I force you to say that?" Fred said. "No, but..." "Also I just say what you think." Fred commented. "That's not true." I said and I started saying yes then no. "Uh... Thinking about it.. It's pizza time." (Y/N) said.
(Joy's P.O.V.)
The new guy had just left and I was talking to Bon. "Luck with your practices." I said to him. Bon shushed me. "Well Agent Smith good luck on your mission." I joked. He left to go find his teacher. I walked around the perimeter of the school and saw two birds in love. "I see so many couples everywhere. Am I telling something to myself?" I said. 'Meh! I don't have time for such a thing.' I thought as I started walking again. I heard a piano play and everything around me went black. When I awoke I was where Bon and (Y/N) were. "This is just a cheap soap opera." I said. 'Why did I say that?' I scolded myself. Bon and (Y/N) showed me their new song they were practicing. "As you can see we need to fix a few things." Bon said. I started ranting that their new song sucked a lot. I started to walk away from Bon and (Y/N). "You were both starting to bore me anyways. In times like this I ask myself.... If you truly deserve to be on this team.."

((Y/N)'s P.O.V.)

'They've struck already.' I thought. I saw Joy walk away and Bon look sad at what she said. I followed after Joy feeling bad for leaving Bon behind. I grabbed her and pushed her into a bush. "Hey!" She said but I put my hand on her forehead and she became unconscious.  I went inside her heart and saw it. The black ink already invested her heart. There was only a bit of her heart that was still pure. I knew what I had to do. I sighed and came close to the pure part of her heart. I placed my hand on it and the pureness (?) spread. My arm became black. I immediately got out and let Joy regain conscious. "Wha... What happened?" Joy asked. "Someone accidentally hit you with a ball and you passed out." I lied. "Oh okay well I better go. See you later, (Y/N)." Joy said as she left. I sighed and looked down at my arm. It had black lines infesting it. I covered my hand up and left the bush. Someone bumped into me and we both fell. I got up and my arm became uncovered showing the black lines. I saw Fred had taken over Freddy's body. Without thinking I gave my black hand to Fred. He had enough time to see the lines. I pulled my arm back. "Sorry." I mumbled and red and Freddy switched. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Freddy asked concerned. "Yeah." I lied. "I need to go." I said quickly as I left. 

(Fred's P.O.V.)

'She has black lines on her arms.' I thought. "Freddy follow her. Something is the matter with her." I told Freddy. "What? No! We can't follow people without a reason." Freddy said. I switched with him. "Something is the matter, follow her!" I argued. Freddy and me switched repetitively. 

(Freddy's P.O.V.)

"Do you really think you're in charge?" Fred asked. 

((Y/N)'s P.O.V.)

I walked to Freddy and saw he was passed out. 'Oh no.' I thought as I tried shaking him awake. 'If Fred abuses his power to much he'll be stuck. No, no, no!' I touched Freddy's head and felt a power trying to overtake it. "He;s going to get himself stuck." I said out loud. Freddy woke up and saw me. "He didn't hurt you did he?" Freddy asked. "No." I answered truthfully. "I'll going home." Freddy said as he got up, but fell down and I caught him in my arms. "I'll help." I said as I helped Freddy get home. "Good evening Mrs. Fazbear (?) Freddy had an accident at school and I wondered if I could come over and help him a bit?" I asked Freddy's mom. "Of course." She said as she helped me get Freddy to his room. "You better get some rest, Freddy." I said to Freddy and got him on his bed. "What about you, (Y/N)? Don't you want to rest too?" Freddy asked me. "No it's okay. I'll rest later." I lied. To tell you the truth using my magic really tired me out. "If you say so." Freddy said as he fell asleep. 'He must be tired form being able to handle Fred today.' I thought. I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep close to Freddy's bed. 


Reader-Chan got some quality time with Freddy. Hope you guys enjoyed. This is one of the longer chapters. So yeah.... See you guys in the next update. Bye!


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