Chapter 16

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(Chica's P.O.V.)
I looked at the vending machine in front of me in rage.

"Just give me the water bottle, you vending machine!" I shouted at the machine.

"Maybe it's the machine. I'll try a different one," I walked over to another vending machine.

I inserted my coin, choose a water bottle as my selection, and waited.

After a bit of waiting, I said, "I'll just try another one."

I went to a different one and tried again.

"None of them work!" I shouted in rage.

I punched the machine in defeat.

"Did you hear Bestia and the Beasts got past the eliminatory?" I heard a voice say.

"Yeah. They are an amazing. I'm sure they'll win the entire event," Another voice said.

I sighed and looked the machine again.

I punched it and a water bottle finally came out.

"That's right! I'm in control! The one in control is me!" I said, triumphant.

(Owynn's P.O.V.)

"Cheers!" We all shouted.

We all drank our drinks and sighed.

"I'm so glad we have our Cami back!" I said.

"Wo," Cami said in her monotone voice.

"I'm glad there was no fail in our plan. Right, Vegetables?" I said.

"Right," Towntrap answered, nervously.

Eak mumbled something and I walked over to him.

"I can hear you," I said.

Eak sighed and said, "There is a problem."

"I'm all ears," I said.

"There's no more toilet paper in the bathroom," Eak said.

I crunched my cup in my hands angrily.

"Veggies, I know you can pick out the best toilet paper, so you can go get some," I said.

Towntrap nodded and quickly left.

I turned my attention to Eak.

"Remember what I said before," I told Eak.

Eak nodded.

"I think it's about time we break the weak part of the chain," I said. "And eliminate him."

"Eliminate him?" Cami asked.

(Chica's P.O.V.)
"I can't believe I couldn't do anything," I sighed out.

I kept thinking back to the eliminatory. How I failed my team.

"I'm sure the person who asked for water didn't want it crushed," Someone said.

"I think they also didn't want water falling out of the water bottle," Another voice said.

I turned around and saw those twins from before.

"I'm guessing you're having a bad time," One of them said.

"I've had worse," I said.

"When you're so concentrated in your own thoughts, you don't notice what's happening in front of you," The other one said.

"Sometimes a tree doesn't let us see the forest," The first one said.

"And sometimes the forest doesn't let us see the tree," The second one said.

"Don't confuse her, sister," The first one said. "You're getting me confused too."

"We should get going," The second one said.

"Tell (Y/N) we said hi," The first one said. "Also don't forget your costumes next time. We'll see you in the Spring Event!"

((Y/N)'s P.O.V.)
I was talking to Freddy when I heard Fox come in saying, "Guys! Guys!"

"Fox?" Me and Freddy asked.

"Found you guys!" Fox said. "Now I need to find Chica."

"Why are you looking for me?" Chica said as she entered the room.

"Oh," Fox said. "Now all we need is the lamp."

I softly giggled at Fox's name for Golden.

"The lamp?" Chica asked.

"Golden," Fox answered.

"Yeah," Golden said as he entered the room as well.

I heard panting coming from the door.

I looked over and saw Bon.

"What is Bon doing here?" I asked.

"He just came along," Fox answered. "We only have a bit more time to find Bonnie."

"Why Bonnie?" Chica asked.

"I'll explain on the way. Let's go!" Fox said and we began to run to the front of the school.

"More running? Wait up!" Bon said.

~Time Skip~

Fox told us about how we could get in the Spring Event.

"We're here!" Fox said as he looked at the front desk.

"Are we too late?" I asked.

"He should be here," Fox said. "I'm going to go check the list again."

With that Fox ran off.

"I guess there's always next year to compete," Freddy said.

"No," Chica said. "I promised myself that this year would be the year. We are going to the Spring Event together."

"Bonnie was right," Bon mumbled.

"You guys are a strong team. I'm glad to be your competition. I will become stronger!" Bon said out loud.

I smiled.

"I'm going to go check on Fox," I said.

I waved and left the room.

I saw Fox was looking through the list again.

He punched the board furiously.

"I can't believe it," Fox mumbled.

"Fox?" I asked.

Fox's eyes closed and opened.

His eyes became fully black, but his pupil was orange.

'Oh no,' I thought.

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