Christmas Special!

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I adjusted my hat and looked in the mirror. I couldn't wait! Today we were all going to Chica's house to celebrate Christmas. I looked around and found my gift. I reached out for it and left it on Springtrap's hammock. 'I hope he likes it.' I thought as I left my humble home. I arrived at Chica's house and knocked on the door. The door cracked open and I saw Chica's mother.

"Oh you've arrived, (Y/N). It's great to see you again." Chica's mother said happily.

"It's great to see you too." I said.

"(Y/N)!" Chica shouted from behind her mother. Chica gently grabbed my hand and dragged me to the living room. I saw the rest of the group sitting on the couch.

((A/N): This is the group's outfit:

        "(Y/N)!" Bonnie got up from his side of the couch and hugged me

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"(Y/N)!" Bonnie got up from his side of the couch and hugged me. Bonnie was always the little brother I didn't have. I embraced Bonnie back. I let go of Bonnie and he sat back on the couch. The other boys glared at him. I was totally oblivious to it. I hugged the rest of the others and they all blushed at the contact. Freddy was the one who hugged me the longest. I think he was in 'Fred mode'.

"Where do I put these?" I asked Chica and she pointed to the Christmas tree in the corner of the room. I placed the presents down and sat in a chair.

"So..." I started hoping someone would reply. No one did. Thank god for Chica's mom. She called us so we could decorate Christmas cookies.

~Time Skip~

I yawned and saw I had fallen asleep on the floor. I looked over my shoulder and saw that Golden was leaning on my shoulder sleeping. I smiled at the sight and softly shake Golden.

"Golden." I said softly to him and he slowly opened his gray eyes. When he saw me his face became red.

"S-sorry." Golden apologized. I just ruffled his hair and got up. I saw Chica had fallen asleep on the floor with a pillow behind her head. I softly shake her like I did with Golden and she woke up.

"Merry Christmas." She said sleepily.

"Merry Christmas to you too." I said giving her a smile. We got up and woke up the others. I got the honor of waking up Freddy. 'I just hope he isn't in 'Fred Mode'.' I hoped. I sighed and tried waking up Freddy. He opened his eyes and saw that his eyes were.....

Black with a white pupil. 'Dang it!' I thought. I just sighed and told him calmly to get up. He got up and gave me a hug. I hugged back because I didn't know what else to do. I let go of him and Freddy changed back into Freddy.

~Time Skip because I'm very tired and I'm writing this in the morning~

I headed home with my presents with me. 'I'm glad that everyone enjoyed their presents.' I gave everyone a hoodie except for Foxy. I gave him a shirt with a fox imprinted on it. I entered my home and saw Springtrap sitting on his hammock. I sneakily walked behind him and said, "Merry Christmas!" Springtrap almost fell off, but he stayed on his hammock. Springtrap thanked me for the gift and I asked him if Mangle was coming over today.

"Yeah." Spring answered. I heard a knock on our door and I went to open it. Mangle was there.

"Mangle!" I shouted as I hugged her. She giggled and I got off of her.

"Merry Christmas, (Y/N) and Spring." She said happily as she sat on my hammock.

"I'll be back!" I shouted as I went to grab Mangle and her group's presents. I walked back inside and saw Mangle and Spring talking. I tapped Mangle's shoulder and handed her the presents.

"These are for your group and you." I explained. We all played around and soon enough Mangle had to leave.

In all this was the BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!

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