Chapter 17

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((Y/N)'s P.O.V.)
"Happy Birthday!" Me and Fox's dad shouted.

"Wow," Fox said. "Thank you."

I handed Fox his present.

"Your mom would have wanted you to have this," I said.

Before Fox's mom died, she left me this present to give to Fox for his birthday.

Fox smiled and opened the present.

His eyes widened and he jumped in joy.

"Thank you!" He shouted happily.

Inside the box were drumsticks and Fox's dad said, "Let's go test them out."

"Yeah," Both me and Fox shouted happily.

~Flashback Over~

(Still (Y/N)'s P.O.V.)

"F-Fox?" I asked my red haired friend.

He stayed quiet.

"Hey you two!" A voice shouted behind me.

I turned around and saw two boys behind me.

"You're blocking the board," One of them said.

I moved, but Fox didn't respond.

He just stood there.

"Hey!" The guy shouted again.

Fox actually moved this time and both guys looked at him in fear.

Fox punched both of the guys and looked down at them.

I stood there frightened.

My body began to move on its own as I left the room to alert the others.

All I could think as I ran was, 'What's the matter with him?'

(Towntrap's P.O.V.)
I sighed as I looked at the revised list.

The only name's on it we're Owynn and Bestia and the Beasts.

"Towntrap," I heard Eak's voice shout.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's about-,"

"The toliet paper," I cut Eak off.

"No," Eak said. "That was just an excuse."

"If it's about the list," I said. "I already fixed it."

"No not that," Eak said.

I stood up and slammed my hands on the table.

"You know what," I said. "No."

I turned the list over and wrote different names on it.

"I know we want to save Cami," I said. "So I want to change the list. It's for the greater good. We need to fight back and save her."

(Cami's P.O.V.)

"They're doing it for me," I mumbled.

'I can't let my friends down. Especially Eek, Towntrap, and (Y/N). I'm going to be able to help them out.' I thought.

((Y/N)'s P.O.V.)

"Guys!" I shouted as soon as I spotted Chica, Golden, and Freddy.

"What's wro-"

"I have no time to explain right now," I cut Chica off. "Follow me."

They all followed me to where Fox was.

"Fox?" I asked.

Fox turned around and saw us.

"What's wrong with him?" Chica asked.

"It's his shadow," I said. "He can't control it anymore."

"He forgot how to control it?" Golden asked.


(Fox's P.O.V.)
I looked throughout the store.

"I can't pay for this," I said. "But I'll call it a favor."

I heard the police sirens and hid.

They passed and I was about to leave when I heard them again.

I walked out of the store when I saw it

The Fire

I ran towards it.

My family, where were they?

I saw two figures running toward me.

Meg and (Y/N)

"Fox!" They both shouted.

~Flashback Over~

((Y/N)'s P.O.V.)
Fox ran up to Golden and punched him.

Chica helped Golden up and I heard two people come in.

"Hey you," Their voices directed towards Fox. "You're coming with us."

Fox ran and they ran after him.

I helped Chica carry Golden to the infirmary.

"Is Fox's shadow like Freddy's?" Chica asked.

"Yes," I said.

I sighed and thought, 'I'm not losing my friend again.'

"I'll be back," I said as I ran in the direction I saw Fox go to.

(Mangle's P.O.V.)

"I can't believe we didn't make it in time," I said, glumly.

"Meg!" I heard a shout.

I saw (Y/N) running towards us.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's Fox," She said.

"Are you Meg?" A voice behind (Y/N) said.

"Yes," I said.

(Y/N) moved out of the way and I saw a man and a woman.

"You're the only family Fox has," The woman said. "Come with me."

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