⚫Chapter 6⚫

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"won't you be my forever?"

Time Stamp: 08:00am

if I let go of your hand will you fly away, will you leave me here wondering why you left, like the first drop of snow will you disappear?


Her eyes closed slightly, kissing the boy on his cheek, she heard him chuckle, his hand wrapping around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"is that it?"

He mumbled curiously his eyes darkening a bit, she blushed wondering what he meant, since that's the only way, she knew how to kiss someone, her best friend, always seemed to blush, whenever she did it to him, so she wondered what was the difference.

"that's not a real kiss, let me show you one"

The boy said, cupping her face in the palm of his hands, tilting his head slightly, he kissed her on the lips, biting her bottom lip playfully, making her gasp, taking this opportunity, he slid his tongue in her mouth, he didn't notice it, he didn't notice the way she shivered, the way her eyes closed shut, she didn't like it, she didn't like the way, he was kissing her, she felt disgusted by it, but she didn't know how to make him stop.

That's when she felt it, someone tugged her backwards by the waist, the guy in front of her cursing under his breath, the person that pulled her, glaring at the guy, jumping on his motorbike, the guy drove away.

"kook, what was that for?"

The girl said, as she felt the person, that had pulled her backwards, tighten his grip around her body, looking up at his face, all she saw was anger and sadness in his eyes.

"what the fuck, do you think you were doing, didn't I tell you to stay away from him? "

Kook said angrily, he was pissed that she hadn't listened to him, more so, he was angry and upset, that, that guy was the first person to French kiss her, he didn't understand, how she could let someone like that, kiss her.

"why can't you kiss me like that, why couldn't I be your first?"

Kook said out loud, before he realized what he had said, it was too late, she looked at him with widened eyes, biting his bottom lip, he let go of her, turning away.

"kook, where are you going?"

She said, trying to grab his hand, snatching away his arm out of her hand reach, he looked at her, with nothing but hatred, she couldn't understand why, her bestfriend was acting like this towards her.

"don't touch me, you're just a slut, like all the other girls, he's touched"

Kook said instantly regretting his words once he saw the expression on his best friends face, her eyes glossing over with tears, one hand clenched over her heart, he knew he over stepped his boundaries, he hadn't meant to say that, he hadn't meant to hurt her.

"kook, i-im s-"

Before she could finish her sentence, her legs gave out, falling head first unto the floor, her eyes closed shut, forgetting his anger, he rushed to her said holding her in his arms, yelling out her name trying to wake her up, the only thing he knew he could do in that moment, was take her to the hospital.


"I'm sorry, she's been diagnosed with pulchra morte, there's nothing we can do, since it is an incurable disease, I umm.."

(I made up the disease shhh😪)

He couldn't hear the rest of what the doctor was saying, his ears had blanked out completely, the only thing he could hear, was the beeping of the life machine, the only thing he saw was his bestfriend, laying on the hospital bed, her eyes closed shut, her breathing shallow, he couldn't hear, the questions that the doctor was asking him, the only thing he knew was that, on that day, his whole world had come crashing down in an instant.

And the thing that bothered him, was that this could be the last time he'd see her and the last words she'd heard was him calling her a slut, the last thing she'd think was that he hated her, he didn't want that, he didn't want to lose her....


Turning over, I saw his sleeping face, smiling to myself, my hands combing through his hair, I wished we could stay like this forever, but I knew, things wouldn't go my way, once again, the pain started, the piercing pain, that struck me, caused me to retract my hand from his hair, one hand pressed to my forehead, my eyes shut tightly, as I tried to steady myself, my breathing laboured, tears starting to fall, I wondered why, why was it that I had to go through such pain, why couldn't I just live my life, the way I wanted, I wanted to.....i wanted to......but you know, I don't think it matters what I want, I can't control the future and you know fate is a tricky thing.

But right now, the only thing, I could think about, is the day, I have to leave his side......

Time Stamp: 09:00am
1 year remaining

"how can I erase these memories from inside my head?"


A/n: double update, you're welcome. ♡


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