⚫Chapter 7⚫

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"Love can be the sweetest thing ever but also the most painful."

Time Stamp: 05:00pm

"hold on tight, OK? "

Nodding my head, I wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my head, closer on his shoulder, turning on the ignition, the machine came to life, water being pushed, in different areas behind us, the bike starting to move forward, defying all sense of gravity, the crystal clear sea below us and the dark night sky above us, the moon now starting to show its face, across the horizon.

Hmm wait a second, when did we do this, I'm sure this was something we did like a year ago, so why am I thinking about this now.

Hearing my name being called, I looked to the front, the water splashing me in my face, some getting into my mouth, coughing slightly, I heard laughter, frowning, I wrapped my arms around his waist ignoring him, still chuckling, he made a U turn, heading back towards the beach, Sighing in disappointed, I knew we couldn't go further out even if I wanted to.


Closing my eyes and opening them once more, we were now sitting in a park, both of us holding ice cream in our hands, noticing him looking at me while I licked my ice cream, I offered him some.

"Kook, want some?"

I said waving the ice cream, lightly in front of him, nodding his head slightly, he leaned forward licking some of my own, but somethings weird, I'm sure I've done this before and wasn't I just on a water bike a second ago? (Dunno what it's called😅)

What's happening? What's going on? Why do I feel like I've been through all of this before?

Wondering this my head started to hurt, pressing my fingers to my temple to try and steady myself, I closed my eyes tightly once again, opening them, as the pain eased, I was now in a room, that was dimly lit, looking a head, I saw him rushing towards me, dropping the cups, he was holding in the process, running straight past me, he crouched down unto the floor, yelling out my name, panic written in his posture, I was about to say "I'm right here" when I saw it, he was crouching over someone's body crying uncontrollably, walking in front of him, to see who the body belonged to, I stepped back quickly, tripping over my own feet, falling unto the floor, tears streaming down my face, one hand pointed at the body in question.

My fingers trembling, my whole body shivering, I kept shaking my head yelling out the word "no", over and over again, as if I was a cassette stuck on repeat.

"Why, how i-i mean I'm right here aren't I? So w-why is my body lying on the floor there, why is Kook crying and yelling out my name, why the fuck i-is-"

I said closing my eyes tightly, and that's where I made the mistake once again, opening my eyes, I was somewhere entirely different, somewhere I didn't even recall.

(A/n: cue KARD I don't recall)

This time I was in the living room of kooks house, hearing voices I turned around to find kook sitting on the couch, a sad look on his face, he was talking to the person beside him, looking at the other familiar figure, I sat down unto the floor to listen to there conversation, trying my best not to close my eyes, less I end up somewhere else.

"Honestly jimin, you know I love her and I don't want to lose her, because ever since the day we met, all those years ago, my life has been better, and no matter what I seriously don't want to lose her"

Kook said, tears starting to fall from his eyes, his friend patting him on the back, watching the whole scene, I felt hurt, wondering who was the girl that had caught my little bunny's heart.

"Then why don't you tell her?

Jimin said rubbing circles on his friends back, urging him on to continue.

"I'd give anything to but I'm too scared, jimin she doesn't even reacts when I tell her how beautiful she is"

Kook said his friend just nodded his head in understanding, sitting there on the floor listening to the conversation, I tried my best not to get to overwhelmed, although my tears started pricking at my eyelids, I tried not to close my eyes.

"I love her though, I swear on my life that I love-"

Before kook could have finished his sentence, my eyes had shut unconsciously, opening my eyes I was some where else once more, mentally screaming I dropped to my knees crying, before I could've heard the name of the person, that he loved, I was sent to somewhere else.

"I love you, my little Angel"

Hearing those words, I looked up to see a bed and kook lying in it, his arms was wrapped around someone, as they slept soundly in his embrace, walking towards the bed, I stopped in my tracks, seeing who the person was, one hand covering my mouth, stifling my screams and cry's.

The person he loved, that person,  who had caught my anpanman's eyes was.......


Time Stamp: 06:00pm

"The best things about memories is making them"


A/n: sadness envelopes me😭

A/n: sadness envelopes me😭

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