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"I still love her even more than before"

Time Stamp: 08:00pm

(What could have happened if i didn't like making yall suffer😂)


"When that time comes, when it’s that time...."

Was the last thing i heard before i had, completely blacked out, his voice still resonated through, my ears, although for some reason now, i felt at peace and the only thing, i could do was smile, honestly, thats all i remember, smiling.

1 hour remaining
45 minutes remaining
20 minutes
10 minutes
5 minutes

Opening his eyes, he groaned slightly, raising up off of the bed,  stretching a little, before turning to look to the side of him, he smiled slightly, to himself, before leaning over, planting a kiss to her forehead, but her body felt cold to his touch, shaking her lightly, he kept calling out her name, but she wouldn't answer, she didn't move, she just layed there still, a small smile plastered across her face.

Panicking he started shaking her furiously out of fear of her being gone, making her unintentionally hit her head on the nightstand, seeing what he had done, he stopped completely moving shock written all over his face, seeing the blood trickle down her forehead, he got up rushing out the room to look for a first aid kit, groaning she raised up off of the bed all colour coming back to her skin, her ice cold skin becoming warm to the touch, one hand pressed to her forehead where she got cut, she winced at the pain, wondering what the hell had happened while she was out cold.

Coming back in the room the first aid kit in his hand, tears staining his face, he looked towards the bed, dropping the box in the process as he ran forward, tackling her unto the bed, making her look at him in confusion, although he tried, he wasn't able to hold back his tears, each teardrop soaking into her nightshirt not knowing what was wrong, she didn't question him, her arms wrapped around his shoulder, his face buried into her chest, she started humming a tone trying to calm him down.

"I t-thought i l-lost you"

He said holding unto her torso his tears streaming down more rapidly, not getting what the fuss was about, she just hugged him tighter waiting for him to calm himself down.






6 months later

The loud crying of  the baby could be heard resonating through out the room, jungkook trying to rock his son to sleep, his wife had just given birth and now she was out cold on the bed sleeping, completely exhausted from having to push a child out, as he rocked the baby to sleep, his eyes wondered towards the hospital bed where she layed, a small smile crossing his features, but although the doctor explained the reason for her illness being cured it still puzzled him just a bit.

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