Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Leera’s POV

It was the day.

The 25th, of December

The day which will decide my fate

Oh shit.

I have never, ever worried this much before- not even when I made my speech for media captain at my high school, or when I went for an interview for university.

I think I was going insane.

Avery was being much calmer than me, considering I was pacing the floor, muttering incoherent words.

“Calm down will you!” she yelled, with wide eyes. “You’re making me nervous!”

“Sorry, I can’t help it! In about half an hour, my fate will be sealed, my possessions will have been sent to my mate, and there is nothing I can do about it!” I growled, punching a hole in the wall next to me. FML!!!

“Trust me, I’m not ecstatic about this either, but damaging my room will not help you!” she argued, falling down onto her bed. Banging my head against the wall, I released string of curses.

“Neither will that” I heard Avery mumble into the sheets of her bed, I rolled my eyes, looking down at my knuckles, the bruises were quickly healing.

“Do you need to get your hand looked at? You hit the wall pretty hard- look, there’s a hole!” she gaped, pointing to the large dent in her wall. “That’s not natural!” she shrieked, I shook my head, a soft smirk playing on my lips.

“Remember when I said my senses were as strong as an already shifted wolf, well yeah, so is my strength- and my healing capabilities” I trailed off, looking at her reaction, recognition passed through her eyes, as the widened comically.

“Oh yeah! I remember… it is pretty cool though!” she argued, a look of wonder crossed her features ”if I had that, then I wouldn’t have had to go to the doctors so many times- my mother was obsessed with image” she sighed, closing her eyes, probably remembering the times with her mother.

A surge of jealousy rushed through me, almost knocking me over. Why was I jealous? I was never jealous, but deep down I knew the real reason; I wanted a mother. It was pretty cruel how I got dumped in front of a stranger’s house, with no details, or anything. Of course, the people that found me immediately turned me into the orphanage- my personal hell-hole.

But life is never fair; a simple example is now.

“I hope we end up in the same pack” I heard Avery mutter, I turned around, nodding my head in agreement. I really did want someone I knew to be in my future pack. Most females changed packs, but some very few found their mates in their first pack- which was very rare.

Of course, some were rouges. The nice term for a loner, that no-one gives a shit about. They were usually banished from their pack, or decided they didn’t want to be controlled by their alpha. Some rouges made packs of their own, but the council had to agree to it- or it would be called an ‘Illegal Pack’, and would immediately be terminated.

Of course, it was very hard to get back into any pack once you’ve been banished from your pack, because people would automatically assume that you’ve done something bad- which makes you a ‘bad’ person. In a pack everyone knows everyone, and they are virtually family.

Walking towards Avery’s bed, I flopped down next to her, grabbing a pillow, and stuffing my face in it.

“Uhhh… What are you doing?” Avery chuckled, lifting the pillow off my face.

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