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Self Promotion - ew - but I'm doing it anyways. New story posted: Amarillo By Morning.


I ain't got a dime, but what I got is mine
I ain't rich, but lord I'm free
Colt Anderson rides bulls for a living, and loves every minute of it. He doesn't mind being on the road for weeks at a time, or even coming home to an empty holiday trailer, as long as he gets to ride. But some times changes stumble into our paths, and there's no avoiding them.

Lily Thatcher was kicked out by her parents with nothing but the clothes on her back at the age of sixteen. It was hard, but she made it, and now, almost seven years later, things finally seem to be coming up Lily. An amazing job, a perfect fiance with a name in the business world, and a beautiful house is everything she's ever wanted. Its everything she currently has. But sometimes what we have, isn't what we need.

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