Country In Ya

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***thats Steele at the top***


Steele and I made our way out to the corrals, where Molly stood in one, and a pinto in another. Next to the gate into the corral Molly was in was my tack, and next to it sat a big roping saddle with matching tack. Both of us talked and laughed as we brushed out and saddled the horses, and slipping on the headstalls

"Is Molly a Quarter Horse?" Steele asked as we rode into a field

"Yeah, Quarter Horses are the only breed we have on our ranch." I explained, rubbing her neck

"She's a nice horse." He added, watching her snort with a smile on his face

"So's yours. He looks like a Thoroughbred." I mumbled, looking at his tall, lean build

"Quarter Horse/Thoroughbred." He corrected "But very close."

"Do you ride often?" I asked, resting my left hand on my leg

"Fairly, about as often as I quad. Its a nice break from all the modern noise." He explained quietly. He rode with one hand, his back strait and his heels down. He looked like he belonged there. I never could I understand how people could ride with both hands, it felt weird and unnatural. We rode in silence for a long time, but it wasnt one of those awkward silences that made you uncomfortable. It was a silence were both us of quiet and sucked into our own thoughts. After about half an hour, I glanced over to see him already staring at me, a small smile on his face

"What?" I asked, a blush rushing up my neck

"Your beautiful." He mumbled, his eyes wandering across my face as I looked down at the saddle horn

"Thanks." I mumbled. Oh, and the blush as covered my cheeks. I heard him chuckle and saw and hand reach out and grab my left line

"This way." He explained as he guided Molly's head towards a small trail, barely big enough to fit a horse, though you could tell it was used frequently

"Where are we going?" I asked, looking at him. It was a single animal trail, so seeing as he knew where we were going, Steele was in front of me, not that I minded. Every time he'd reach to move a branch out of his way, the muscles in his back would tense and flex under his tight T-shirt, the band of his boxers peeking above his jeans. The trees gave way to a clearing, long grass stretched upwards, brushing against the horses legs. You could see a large stream flowing down a waterfall, only about 20 ft high, pooling at the bottom before the water continued on its way. Steele stepped out of the stirrup before walking over to me, his horses lines in his hand

"Pretty isn't it." He mumbled, looking around as I swung down, taking the lines from him

"Yeah, it's beautiful." I smiled, slipping a rope halter onto Molly's head before sliding the headstall off and hanging it on the saddle horn before tying her next to Steele's horse. Steele and I slowly made our way over to the small pool, taking off our boots and sitting down on the rocks and resting for a while

"I'm glad I agreed to go out with you again." I smiled, trailing my fingers through the water, watching the current push up small waves where the water couldn't pass my fingers

"Me too." Steele laughed, adjusting his cap and looked at me

"I'm going swimming." I declared, standing up and hopping back onto solid ground

"You don't have a bathing suit." Steele pointed out, amused

"So?" I asked, peeling off my shirt and shorts, leaving me in a matching camo and lace lingerie set, oh the things they can use mossy oak for...

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