Chapter 21

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Hope POV

She hasn't woken up yet. Jungkook rubbed my back, trying to stop my sobs. I have been crying for a good 2 hours now. Ellie fell yesterday when she was with Jimin but he wouldn't tell me anything else. I knew she wasn't eating well, I knew it wasn't right for her to go back by herself. 

"Ellie please just wake up stupid!" I hit her arm lightly. I hear the door slide open behind me but I was way too delusional to pay attention. 

"Has she woken up yet?" Jimin placed a bag of food and flowers next to her bed. 

"No" I murmured. 

"How about we go get some fresh air?" Jungkook took my hand in his and pulled me up. 

"Fine" I took one last look at her. Her skin was so pale, her lips were all dried out and there was dark black circles around her eyes. 


The walk was silent. I didn't mind the fresh air but talking was the last thing i wanted to do right now. All I wanted to do was throw up and hide under my covers.

"You should eat, you haven't had anything since last night" Jungkook was caring for me all night. I felt so bad because I had no energy for him. 

"Mm" I nodded. 

We walked to a little cafe near the hospital. I got a cup of warm coffee and a salami croissant. The chilled wind was blowing from the tiny gap in the window sending shivers down my body.

"Please eat!" he pouted, dropping his fork and knife on his plate. 

"I will" I dried my wet eyes and took a tiny bite out of the buttery croissant. He wasn't convinced. He got up and sat next to me on the couch breaking little bits off the croissant. 

"Open" he put a piece near my mouth. 

"Jungkook you don't have to!" I pushed his hand away blushing at his action. 

"Yes I do now open your mouth" I thought playing with him would be funny. I closed my mouth tighter shaking my head. He sighed slouching his shoulders.

"How about... if you... eat... I will give you a kiss for every bite"

"Yah!" I cringed. He shoved a little piece of croissant in my mouth. 

"HEY!" I punched his arm. He grinned making his eyes turn into half crescent moons.

My mood around Jungkook always seemed to change. He always found a way to make me smile and laugh, even if it was the stupidest most ridiculous thing someone could do. The thing that worried me was that I was too much for him sometimes. All I had become after Ellie left was emotional. I didn't want to keep being like this, he needed someone that made him laugh as well. Was I good enough for him? Maybe him dating IU would have turned out better? Was I maybe overthinking things a little too much? 

Jimin POV

Her blue cold lips were parted ever so slightly, leaving just enough room for little breaths. Little breaths that made her chest rise slightly, it made me feel a sign of relief. Her skin was as pale as the sheets below her. Her hands were cold, colder then snow fall on the coldest day of winter.

I sighed heavily feeling my chest hurt. 

Just anything, anything at all would make me at ease. 

Please, please wake up. 

I took her hand in-between mine warming it up. 

"Please just wake up, don't leave me now... I know how much I have put you through and you have every right to be mad. You can even punch me, but i know you won't have strength so you should probably eat first. Please your soup is getting cold, I know how much you love your noodles... I love you so much" I whisper slowly leaning in placing a soft kiss on her forehead. I think to myself again. A slow tear rolls down my cheek, i wipe it quickly trying to hold every one of them.

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