Know Thyself (I)

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Davis, appearing more eager than annoyed although his true expressions are not yet known, moves his footing on the floor before asking again the same question but this time, with a faint tone of assertion:

"How is everyone today?"

And somehow, as much as we all appreciate the sweet sound of silence, silence is not a choice for even the shy. Feeling the odd atmosphere beginning to implode with awkwardness following his second time asking the same question, the replies of falsehood from the others begin shortly thereafter. After hearing several replies, he continues to speak, merrily this time, perhaps almost too merrily.

"Oh, Sweet! I am feeling fine myself thank you for asking. You all must've been too eager to speak before but it's okay! Like you all, I myself was shy but don't worry, we are on our way to the Training Grounds! We will be there in no time! However, before we even get there, let me answer some burning questions you may have about everything regarding your secondary Training!"

Immediately after claiming he will answer some of our most "burning" questions regarding the next Training, he scratches his spotty haired chin before continuing on.

"The trip is about forty minutes in duration. We will arrive at the Training Grounds that stands on a hill outside of Paradias proper. The Training Grounds is where you will all be staying for the next week. For anybody wondering as to how I know a lot about the Training Grounds, it's true. I passed the program sometime long ago. Actually, I was a First Ranker in the Secondary Training group before yours, from another zone that is. After I made it to Paradias, I chose to help guide Paradias First Rankers like yourselves to the Training Grounds rather than stay and help police the area. I just love welcoming new arrivals!"

Time continues to pass as the awkward silence begins to slowly return once more among the males within the box room. However, just as the silence was going to take over the atmosphere of the room, the silence breaks off with the immediate asking of a question, from Kevin of all people.

"Davis, sir, what is the distance between the Training Grounds and from where we had just left from?"

"Good question youngun. There is about a three hundred and eighty-six mile distance from where the Training Grounds are at and from the Mountain Gate back in your designated zone. From the Training Grounds, lying a few kilometers away down the hill, stands Paradias Proper, the capital zone of our great nation. Also, if you may, please refer to me as Davis only. You do not need to use the word sir with me," Davis says, with a rather seemingly forced smile made following his answer.

Soon after however, his smile changes into a neutral lip shape, where he mentions the following offer:

"By the way, would any of you like to try some pastries?" he asks us all, with a gesture leading to the floor in front of us, where it begins to rise up from the center of our small huddled circle of chairs.

A yellow box from the floor immediately pops up following his gesturing, looking as if it were initiated by some invisible force, before the aroma of the sweet smelling food entices everyone in the box room. I begin to feel hungry as my stomach can be heard growling. Thankfully, I am not alone. I look around and notice everymale else holding their stomachs close except for Davis that is. 

Davis then proceeds to take the box off of the risen silver colored platform and moves it ever so slightly to the center. Everymale around, including myself, stare in awe at the complexity yet simplicity that comes with being inside the flying box. Davis leaves the yellow box open, filled with who knows what after removing the cardboard roof, revealing the colored circular bread shapes laid out all around inside the yellow box's white colored interior. After grabbing a white circular bread piece, he motions us to go on and grab a piece of the sweet smelling bread piece ourselves.

Second Life: A Second ChanceWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu