From the Lost Children (VIII)

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"Look I found one Cae," David says, pointing straight ahead to a yet-to-be-seen figure with his right index finger.

"Where?" I ask, looking around the tall and thin pink and green tree heads for the figure he is pointing at.

Suddenly I spot the figure. 

"Do you see it? It's right behind that tree over there. Now shh," David whispers as he moves his right index finger to my lips in an attempt to shush me. 

Past the pink pine tree and several other green pine trees in the near distance, do I see the forbidden figure.

"Oh Ai'nala. It's a rainbow. Wow." 

"It's beautiful isn't it?" David says calmly as we both continue staring straight ahead at the colored arc by the farthermost green pine tree's end. 

"It is but isn't it illegal to be at a height higher than forty feet?" 

"Yeah but that's in town. We're here and nothing has happened to us that remotely resembles danger.  We didn't climb up this big pine tree for nothing. Where else are we going to see something so pretty?" 

"Okay, but I feel a bit uncomfortable," I worriedly say. 

"Don't be Cae, be a man," he says before gently pushing my arm. 

"Shut up with your man talk. It turns me off," I jokingly tell him. 

"Stop playing Cae. I know it does not. You love being called a man, especially in bed," he playfully says, smiling afterwards before firmly grabbing my left shoulder in affection. 

An object suddenly passes by the rainbow arc, calling to both I and David's attention.

"Look!" I shout, pointing to the object passing over the rainbow. 

The object flying by the rainbow is unlike anything I have ever seen before. Red in appearance with a respectable flying movement, we watch the object molt its many fiery feathers from its long tail as it flaps its wings to reach to its unknown destination. The sight before us is unlike anything we have ever seen before. Both of us sit still as we carefully watch the object move with grace, captivated in sheer awe. 

"Whoa," says David.

Turning away from the object and rainbow behind it, I shift my head to face David's, looking straight into his gleaming gray eyes. 

"Why the whoa?" I ask David curiously, before losing the memory altogether. 

"What's wrong Cae?" asks a worried Amarante. 

Nervous at my sudden loss of attention to her, I shake my head in response quickly, before apologizing. 

"I'm sorry Amarante, I was daydreaming again wasn't I?" 

"Yeah you were. Are you all right?" 

"Yeah I am," I say, before noticing a disagreement begin to unfold before our very eyes 

"Wait. Shh, do you hear that?" I ask her. 

"Hear what?" she asks. 

"Hide!" I loudly whisper, before pushing both Amarante and myself towards the corner of the outside center building. I completely forgot we were even spying on Kevin. 

"What's your problem man?" I hear a male say in the near distance. 

I turn slightly backwards and spot the same blonde haired male who caught Kevin spying on us the day before.

"What do you mean my problem?" Kevin angrily says, sounding highly offended by the question.

 "Why do you keep leaving me?" the blonde haired male asks. 

"I don't leave you-" Kevin rebuts, before being suddenly interrupted by an odd sound.

BOOM! BOOM! Even we are shook from the loud sound. 

"What was that?" Amarante loudly whispers to me. 

"I don't know," I answer quietly. 

Promptly, the speakers from all around the dome sound loudly as a message is given to all those under its glass roof:

We apologize for the inconvenience. A fuse has blown and maintenance will get that issue fixed right away. Our apologies again. Thank you. 

"Well?" continues the blonde haired male following the dome message. 

"Well what?" Kevin angrily responds. 

"Stop leaving me. I can see what's going on. I'm not stupid. You're jealous of that Caemanor guy isn't it? You keep staring at him with the same eyes you looked at me our first night together," accuses the blonde haired male.

"What, no!" yells out a red faced Kevin, defensively shouting at the blonde haired male as he continues to press Kevin for his true thoughts on the matter.

I understand the situation very well from what is being observed and yet, I carry no worry towards it. Kevin took advantage of me without remorse and now he wants to win me over, by spying on me of all things. Typical for a monster like he. 

Almost immediately after watching Kevin interject the other male, Amarante, appearing to be in disbelief, turns to face me and unknowingly blushes. 

I, shocked that the revelation of Kevin liking me has caused her embarrassment, open my mouth to attempt to explain that I do not care much about him, before I am shushed by her.

"Let's continue watching them," she whispers. 

The blonde haired male continues to confront Kevin, lashing out almost, as he yells louder and louder in pure emotional betrayal. 

"Then what?! You please me for a few nights and then suddenly you stop?! I have been dry and bored since you stopped giving it to me. What in the name of death is wrong with you?! Is it me?! Am I the problem to you?! Am I in the way of you and that stupid male?!" 

"Stop shouting! I need a break. You are too clingy!" Kevin yells at the male, before walking away angrily. 

"Ok, go!" screams the blonde haired male, appearing frustrated and heavily hurt by Kevin's actions. 

"I'll show you," whispers furiously the same male, but to himself. 

Following the aftermath of the confrontation between Kevin and the blonde haired male, Amarante and I both begin the slow backwards creep towards the corner from where we were initially hiding from, as we are exposed out in the open, easy prey for the embittered male. Heading slowly towards the back wall of the center building, Amarante and I both turn for the side of the center building parallel to where Kevin and the male was, before I misstep and slip back first on a fallen leaf. Unknowing to I, the impact of my fall, alongside the loud moan I emitted upon impact with the green rough ground has created so much of a disturbance that I believe both males have heard my fall, as well as any person currently inside the building. Fearing for possible confrontations and following accusations of being spies, both I and Amarante scram away hurriedly, leaving the male to question openly the source of the sound with the upmost paranoid curiosity.

"Who's there?! Come out! I'm not stupid!" 

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