From the Lost Children (IV)

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Metallic chains scrape the concrete floor of this dungeon-like edifice as the sufferers try to make sense of their new world. Screams and wails of unimaginable proportion are highly audible thanks to the echoes given off by the walls, bringing nothing but music to my once silent ears. The rotten smell of piss, fecal matter, and blood stink up the entire foot level of where I lay sitting down. Starving and helpless am I, hoping discreetly that some sort of deity may grant an end to my torturous sentence. No, the description I am detailing are not those found in an ordinary nightmare or hell, they are found in a special prison for special people. 

Sitting atop the cold and damp prison cell floor, I look to the dark ceiling for a sort of a valid reason as to why I have been incarcerated. This in no way should be how a man of my age, or of any age or gender by that matter, should spend a life sentence with. I am merely a human serving my time in prison for an offense that should not even be illegal and yet, I am imprisoned in a steel jail cell, fed a feast of tiny scrap amounts found on the floor per day if the guards feel like it, all while my neck is tied down to a chain link rope connected to a metal wall post at the far back of the cell, serving as a sort of prisoner leash to remind me of how horrible a crime I must have committed to end up here. I have been put in a prison cell for my role in The City's downfall years ago and years later, I once again find myself imprisoned but this time, for merely kissing Caemanor, an ex-student of mine. What more could the heathens possibly gain from imprisoning me?

"Please let me be. I have done nothing wrong to you good sir," an unknown male voice says to the two guards escorting him to his new cell home.

"Quiet you annoying dipshit!" yells one of the guards at the man in metal handcuffs.

Carefully eyeing the way the man continues to walk towards his assigned cell, I manage to catch a good glimpse of his face. He is brown skinned, handsome and young, seeming to be about my age. He weakly reminds of somemale in town who rose to town prominence all thanks to his resident status, which granted him quick social mobility. He apparently was moved here from the next town over with his assigned dependent and was quickly assigned the role of town event recorder, under the odd Kovashyan rules. What in Ai'nala's name is a man like him doing here of all places? What could he have possibly done to have him sent here? 

Suddenly, the man trips rather violently on the dark floor of the outer prison hall. 

"Mi rawa ey! Watch it!" the man blurts from the floor.

Irritated by his foreign speech, the same guard who told the man to be quiet kicks the man further down on the floor, shoving the man's entire head inside a shallow puddle of black floor water.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" I yell at the first guard through the cell bars, feeling highly sympathetic for the mistreatment of the poor man.

"Don't bother," cries out the prisoner behind me. Irritated by his sudden speech, I proceed to shove my right hand behind my back and flip him off.

"So you finally speak to me huh?" I bark, putting my hand away as the guard takes notice.

The man behind me sure has some nerve to speak up. He has been nothing but quiet and rude to me all throughout my cell stay, avoiding any opportunity to converse with me using nothing but irritated looks to avoid even the smallest acts of kindness. It is surprising to hear the man say anything related to my existence, especially when I have never ever heard him speak prior to now.

"Shut the hell up! I can have you two executed if I wanted to," threatens the first guard.

"Eh, I don't care anyway. I'm a dead man," blurts out the same prisoner behind me.

"What'd you say?!" screams the first guard back.

"Get up you foreign piece of shit!" yells the second guard at the man still lying face down on the floor.

"My name is Amadan," weakily comments the injured man.

"Do we look like we give a shit?" remarks the first guard.

"Get moving!" shouts the second guard at Amadan.

As both the second guard and Amadan make their way out to Amadan's new cell home, the first guard stays alongside the other side of the cell bar wall, smirking with revenge on his face as he begins to spit heavy chunks of spit at I and the man behind me. 

"Hope you two like spit as your food for the day. You two sure are lucky to be Hom fags. I bet you like shit like this. You know what? Let me do it again," says the first guard, before spitting at my face and at the prisoner's face behind me. Luckily, he misses, but his point has been made clear: we have pissed him off today.

"If only you two weren't ours to be forced kept alive, or else I would have skinned you both by now for being annoying little shits," adds the same guard, before ramming onto our cell wall with both his hands, appearing highly irritated at our behavior.

"Toodle-oo fags!" the first guard announces before leaving to catch up with the second guard and Amadan.

With both guards quickly gone from the scene, the man behind me takes a quick moment to address me by name.

"Hey Adam, guess what?"

"Yes? And how do you even know my name? You haven't spoken a word to me since today." I comment to the man behind me. 

"I know your name because you were on my mother's target list before she had me arrested."

"What? Who is your mother? Wait, is she that shit of a Prime Minister?!" I pressingly clamor the man behind me.

"Hey you hear that? It's the sound of you shutting up," the man adds sneeringly.

"You know my name but I have no clue what yours is. I'll shut up once you tell me yours. I have at least the right to know that," I say, hoping my bluff convinces him to speak to me about not only his name, but also about his mother. I must know who she is. 

"Michael, you dick."

"I have never heard of that name come from any official in office. You sure are a bad liar."

"I can make you see stars for days man. Don't push me," he intimidatingly adds.

"But who is your mother? You might as well spill it. You told me all there is to know. Please?" I beg him.

"And what do I get in return, you Hom?"

"I'll suck you up," I say, discreetly hoping a sexual favor will sway him into revealing his mother's identity to me. 

"Sorelyn. I don't have a dick by the way, you stupid prick."

"Wait, the Sorelyn? Your mother is her, Sorelyn?? But I thought she has only a daughter, not a son. Males and females are only allowed dependent children if they belong to the same sex, it's the rule. Wait! Are you-" I say, before being cut off by the weight of a heavy foot, one that Michael has shoved from atop my back, bringing me to the floor with one quick motion, creating nothing short of pain as he slams my entire sitting body against the cold, wet, concrete floor.

"What did I just say man?" Michael gloats. 

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