They Follow Only Apollo (IV)

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Looking straight into its flat plain white face, I try to make sense of the being's existence as it continues to face my body with its eerie looking stance. The longer I stare at the white figure's presumed face, the more fear begins to cloud my every thought. Searching for a way to distract myself from the encroaching fear, I look ahead to the purple wall behind the white figure, where even diverting attention away from the white figure makes the fear even insurmountable to overcome. I quiver in complete fear as the purple wall behind the white figure abruptly distorts into a circular whirl, swirling from behind the white figure as if it were made of water, right as the white figure begins to back up to the wall, allowing the purple wall to absorb it into its physical make up. As the white figure is absorbed into the wall, a brown hat appears at the top of its head, alongside polished black shoes. The white figure's face appears to be that of a male, with four lines appearing on its face, each one presumably symbolizing the eyes, nose, and mouth. 

As the merging of physical parts continues to occur in the purple wall in front of me, I catch the white figure's eyeless lines glowing green before fully opening themselves to me, revealing two darkened empty holes as eyes. As the eyes on the blank canvass of white face open wide, I notice below both eyes, a straight line opening whole, one parallel in short distance to both eyes, likely a representation of a mouth. Several sharp triangular brown teeth dotting the inside of the opened and empty mouth line are revealed to me. 

Taking in the entire image of the white figure standing before me, I make out from its appearance a sort of monster, with its posture appearing angry, seeming ready to engulf its prey. In response, I slowly walk backwards from the merged wall-white figure, feeling nothing but nervousness and worry for my well-being. Too blinded by fear to notice my walking, I trip backwards, giving off a loud thud following the impact my own legs had caused, landing myself immediately against the hard purple floor. 

Now in a sitting position rather than a laying position on the floor, yet still hesitant on stopping, I begin to crawl backwards, nervously shaking with every step of hand. Slowly making my way away from the merging wall-figure picture, I continue on crawling backwards, before feeling my right hand step hard on some sort of cold and long cylindrical metal rod. From the misstep that led me to the finding of the rod, I decide to stop moving and seat myself once more on the purple floor, allowing both hands the opportunity to feel around for the rod's complete surface area. Having finished feeling the entire rod, I proceed to pick it up only slightly, noticing immediately how light weight it is. Having noted as light in weight, I begin to pick up the entire rod from behind and place it over me, before laying it gently atop both laps. With the rod now in front of me, I take a hard look into the rod's composition, where I find the makeup of the long rod being metallic in origin, with a sharp corner tip present on both ends of the rod, serving perfectly as a double tool of defense. Grasping the rod tightly from its center, I stand while holding it, as I mentally prepare myself to aim toward the white figure. Several seconds pass with the rod held tightly by both hands. I am ready and fearless. I decide to make a run towards the wall where the figure continues merging with it, where I accept all possible outcomes, even the worst one of them all: death.

Immediately upon impact, I feel the entire rod being jabbed fully through the chest of the white figure, where a loud monstrous scream is heard throughout the entirety of the purple room. After having left the entire rod inside the white figure, I notice several white flashes emanating from the white figure's skin. As the loud monstrous yelling begins to end, the white figure instantaneously disappears before my very eyes. After having seen the white figure disappear, I close my eyes just as the room becomes pitch black, feeling afraid of what might come next.

Having closed my eyes for a brief second following the confrontation with the white figure, I force a re-opening of them following a few seconds into the blindness, surprising myself as I realize I had just outlived the white figure. However, I happen to notice my surroundings have greatly changed. I am inside a large gray room presently. Adapting to the scenery of the room, I take in the image the gray room presents to me. Seeing that the room is filled with objects all around the dimly lit space, I conclude that the room I am in must have been of some importance during a past time of sorts. Aware of its abandoned nature, it comes to no surprise that the floor beneath me squeaks loudly with every forward and backward step, akin to the Cabin's once existing old wooden floors. Carefully, I walk forward slowly from where I stand, before readying myself to turn an entire three-hundred-and-sixty degrees around, where I analyze every single object placed within the confines of the abandoned room. 

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