Emerald Orman (III)

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Following the dinner at the cafeteria hall, as a group, we all head back toward the 5C building Ashley had instructed us to go to prior to exiting. I can still recall some of the reminders Ashley had mentioned to us earlier in preparation for the next day:

Before I let you leave to unpack, there are a few things you need to know. Number one, you all must get rid of your personal items as well as what you have on, no matter how attached you may be to them. The disposal cubes are available near each table of every room and will be collected the next day at exactly noon for recycling. The running water stops at midnight and turns back on at six in the morning so please use your water wisely. Also, remember not to waste water, as it is very limited in this region unlike other, more prosperous, non water strained regions in the Nation. Furthermore, your clothes have been fitted beforehand thanks to the biotech signature you all gave when you activated your silver discs earlier. The pack of clothes you will be given to are all in the same white color arranged ready for wear on your bed. However, they are interchangeable as they have a special function that can allow them to change color so if you hate the color white, do not complain as a function to change color exists. One more thing to add before I go, I will check on all of you tomorrow morning outside the 5C building building so try not to be late! Just relax and enjoy yourselves for the remainder of the time. See you all at eight tomorrow!

The silence of the room persists only for a second longer before two more male only groups arrive inside the 5C building, breaking the silence as they mingle with the rest of the males inside. The loudness continues, enough so, that I am prompted to head upstairs and look for my room. The name card reads my name with a couple of phrases underneath it. 

It reads: Third floor, 2D, Building 5C

I walk up the center wooden staircase, headed upwards to the third floor. After a short while, I reach the last step that touches the third floor. I take a glance around the hall, watchful for the number two, as I am eager to rest on a bed. Looking around the hall, I notice the doors within my plane of view are all labeled either one, three, and four, but where is two? 

Doubtfully, I look from behind and into the descending staircase, where I observe a few males downstairs on the second floor staircase running downwards, some kissing each other, and others play fighting. Relaxed chaos has seem to have erupted on the lower floors and yet, I continue to have difficulty finding my room, how wonderful. Observant once again of my surroundings, I look around the large hall floor, noticing how far the white carpeting extends over the continued wooden floor of the third floor, before looking up at the walls of the hall, where green stands as the color of choice, compared to blue and red for the lesser floors. I scan again the sides of the hall for the number two, passing by several labeled room numbers until I reach the relaxation area of the hall, near a bend before approaching the room numbered "three." Ignoring the room number door altogether, I am nothing short of amazed by the appearance of the relaxation room near the room number door I had just approached. Neither the HoloScreen nor do the fancy colors of the relaxation room amuse me, but rather, the three clear colored water holding spherical like seat bags do. I approach one of the seat bags of water, a bit hesitantly as I am overly impressed by the appearance of the seat bag. I slowly reach my left hand outward to touch the frontmost bag out of the three in the relaxation room, before being interrupted by the recollection of an event I had with David. 

 This time, I am alone in the room of my old home, where David appears with a gift behind his back. 

"I got you this for your birthday," he says to me, handing me a long and thick dark green vegetable.

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