From the Lost Children (I)

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I lay on my warm soft bed, back first, allowing my eyes to gently stare straight at the ceiling. Slowly, I begin recalling what had happened earlier in the first program challenge, before forcing myself to overlook what had happened due to overwhelming exhaustion. But, just as I overlook the past challenge, my mind cannot help but question the many aspects of what I saw in the booth. Was any of what I experienced truly real? The children, were they all my doing or were they the doing of the booth itself? None of what I had experienced was unlike anything I have ever witnessed during Training or First Rank. Inside the booth, I felt like lost, much like a child, vulnerable and capable of dying without proper guidance. Had David not come to my rescue, I would have died as I lacked guidance. I owe him my life and my after. 

NO! I have to get over him, I must. 

David cannot be the only man who comes to your rescue.

But he does.

But you do not need him. He cannot be there to save you anymore. He does not exist anymore. Move on!

Quickly, my thoughts begin racing all throughout my mind, leaping quickly from thought to thought. As my mind overthinks, I find myself developing an urge to have intercourse with David, followed by the urge to engage with Anastasia, followed by an overwhelming urge to cry, only to be met with drowsiness and exhaustion once more. Within a matter of seconds, I find myself succumbing to the overall mood of sleepiness afflicting my eyes, causing them to droop, with the tired feeling slowly calming my body and mind down as my closed eyes take me to the dark pleasantness of dreamland.

"Cae. Cae. Cae," says a distant yet familiar voice. 

I open my eyes and notice right ahead who stands before me. David, looking dashing and realistic, as if he never died, gazes at me with a huge smile on his face. David looks into my eyes deeply with his hopeful hazel eyes, staring at me like if it was the first time he ever saw me naked. Appearing soothed by my appearance, David walks two steps towards my footing, before reaching my neck with his bearded chin. He begins kissing gently at the left side of my neck, sending euphoric chills down my spine as his touch of lip on neck throws me into a dazed state of mind. His kisses feel so great, much unlike anything I have felt since his departure. 

I tilt my head up from his broad shoulders as his kisses please my left neck, where I become quite observant of the beautiful orange-blue sunset sky hovering above us. The bright stars of the sky soon come out of hiding as the darkness descends from above me, having the stars' twinkles permeate the night sky as their shining radiance envelops David and I under a soothing atmosphere. Enjoying the sky's touching imagery, I allow myself to sit down on the soft damp grass bed of the hill, allowing David to rest atop me. Feeling the soft gentle ground tickle my lower back, I begin setting my entire body down before feeling a large piece of cloth materializing from underneath me. I look around the area while my body stays rested on the instant appearing cloth, with my eyes noticing several colored food objects all lain orderly on the patterned white-red cloth, surrounding David and I in a complete circle. I look outward towards the blue area below the hill and spot several waves crashing near the sandy beach that is just below the hill I am on. Looking to the ocean's water, I begin smelling the essence of seawater from atop the hill, with the delightful sounds of waves gracing the nearby sand with its elegant dance. Suddenly, my rational thinking kicks in. I look back towards David and proceed to ask what the entire scenario is for. He is not alive yet he lives on inside my mind, creating lush and vivid scenarios of time spent together while I sleep, but why?

"What is this David?"

"It's a picnic, I know how much you like it when I bring the ailments and cloth for us to dine on. Do you not like it?" 

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