18-Fight It, Cupcake

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Johnathan's POV

I cradled her head in my lap and used a jacket to stop the bleeding.

Archie and David came running towards me.

"Not again." David whispered to himself.

"Again?" I growled.

"Not the point right now!" Archie spoke. "We need to get her to a hospital."

"You're right." I picked her up bridal style but kept the jacket on her wound.

We ran out of the gym. I ran towards my car as Archie and David followed me.

'Archie drive us to the pack hospital.' I mind linked him as I got into the passenger seat. 'They'll fix her up faster there and it's closer.'

'Got it.' He hopped into the driver's seat and David hopped into the back seat.

Archie drove off in the direction of the pack hospital.

"Where are you going!? The hospital is the other way!" David yelled from the back seat.

"He doesn't know!?" I asked Archie.

"Of course he doesn't know! How do you tell your mate about werewolves!" His eyes widened as he realized what he just said.

"You guys are werewolves!?" David yelled.

"Ignore him. We need to get Ace to the pack hospital." I spoke.

"We're almost there."

"Drive faster!"

"Fine!" He stepped on the gas.

"This werewolf conversation is not over!" David yelled while tightening his hold on his seat belt.

It's was only two minutes before we arrived.

I hopped out of the car before it stopped with Ace in my hands.

I rushed to the entrance and kicked the door open.

"Dr. Rose!" I yelled. "Help."

She came running towards me and her eyes landed on my mate in my hands.

"What happened!? Who is she!?" She asked as she ushered a group of nurses to bring a gurney.

"This is my mate. She was shot by the Blood Pack." I explained

"Get her onto the gurney."

I aced her on the cheap hospital bed and followed the nurses that rushed her to an emergency room.

I was about to enter until Dr. Rose stopped me.

"I'm sorry alpha but you can't come in." She apologized.

"She's my mate! Of course I'm going in!"

"She's running out of time. If you don't stay out here and let me work then she will die!"

She didn't wait for a response. She rushed I to the room and began operating on Ace.

I watch through the window.

I hated feeling helpless.

I hated how I couldn't do anything to help her.

I heard a sound timing in my ears that made my wolf whimper.

"She's flatlining!" A nurse yelled.

My wolf kept wanting to come out but I kept him down.

"Come on Cupcake." I said to myself. "Fight it."

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