Chapter 9

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Katniss fell back asleep, pressing herself tightly against me, I wrapped my arm around her, letting her sleep before taking out a book and reading it.

"Peeta" Katniss mumbled in her sleep
I smiled, setting down my book and draping my other arm loosely over her protectively.
"Please don't leave" Katniss mumbled
I raised my eyebrow
"Please! Don't hurt him" Katniss begged
"Katniss, shh shh. It isn't real, it's just a dream" I told her, trying to wake her up.
"Please don't hurt him. He didn't do anything. Don't hur-" Katniss woke up screaming
"Katniss! Calm down, it's okay" I told her
Katniss' eyes locked on me "Peeta!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around me "are you okay? Are you hurt?" She asks
"No, no Katniss I'm fine, it's just a dream, it's okay, I'm here, it's fine." I told her
"Good" she whispered

"How about we go get breakfast" Katniss suggested.

We got ready quickly, heading down to the breakfast area, serving ourselves large portions of food.

Katniss finished hers quickly, I was just finishing mine when katniss was slowly sipping her hot chocolate when I realised, I notice everything about her. When she's drinking something she always uses her left hand, she always skips the last step when walking down stairs, when she wakes up the first thing she does is look for me, when hunting she uses the centre arrow first, she always hugs with two arms. I notice the way her eyebrows knit together when she's watching a movie, when she gets out of bed her right foot touches the floor first.

I love everything about her too. She's stubborn and strong, yet fragile and broken. I have to protect her. I gripped her hand tightly. That's when her phone rang.

She fished it out of her pocket, looking at the caller ID for a moment before finally deciding to answer it.
"Hey Plutarch" Katniss answered

"You've had no tv for over a year" Katniss laughed "Thirteen must still suck"

"Yeah, I've seen him" she answered

"No, of course he didn't"

"Then why don't you come to twelve?" Katniss suggested

She hung up, "Plutarch is coming to twelve" Katniss told me "he wanted to know if I'd seen you recently, he still doesn't know" she laughed
"He'll probably be annoyed he missed the party, I mean, Effie arranged it after all"
Katniss laughed. "He'll be in shock that we can even speak fact to face, let alone being married" she leant in, kissing me gently
"I can't wait to see his face" I agreed, kissing her again

We still hadn't seen anyone, I know we had our own private area, but we were in the public area now, shouldn't we have seen someone.

I looked at the time, it was almost 7am, we'd see people soon I suppose. I guess we must have woken up for the first time around five.
Katniss gets up to get another mug of hot chocolate, sitting down beside me on the large couch that sat up against the wall. We were making outer first stop in district 5 in about an hour, Katniss tucked her feet up beside me, resting her head on my shoulder, my arm wrapped around her, just as I finished my hot chocolate.

A fifteen (or so) year old walked in with her parents, she walked in and did a double take, before running back to her room, saying something about a pen and paper.

She came back a minute later with a pen and some paper, before awkwardly walking over to us.
"Uh, hi. I don't want to be annoying or anything, but I'm a huge fan of you two, and I was wondering, could you um, please sign this?" she asks stretching out the pen and paper, Katniss takes the pen and paper from the girls hand, signing her name before handing the paper to me, I follow her lead and do the same, before handing the paper back to the girl.
"Thank you so much" she said, bubbling with excitement
"No problem" Katniss says as the girl ran off to her parents, before starting a video conference with a friend.

Her friend answered immediately "guess who I just met on my way home from district 1" she said, bouncing up and down.
"I don't know, president paylor" her friend answered sarcastically.
"No! Better!" She almost screamed, holding up the sheet of paper she had
"Oh my god! Louise! You're so lucky, are they on the train right now?" Her friend asked
"Yes, they are I want to cry and scream at the same time" Louise answered.

"That's so cute" Katniss whispered
"Isn't it?"

"Oh my god! They're actually on the same train as you, I am so jealous, where are you now?" She asked
"District 5" Louise answered
"You have 4 more stops, you're so lucky, that means you stay on that train until tonight" her friend said

"Hey bitches! What's up?" Johanna said, walking in and yelling before grabbing a piece of fruit from a bowl.

"Oh my god, Johanna Mason just walked in" Louise said to her friend.

"Hi Jo" Katniss answered

"Yo brainless" Johanna answered, flinging herself down beside Katniss, looking through the nearby magazine rack before finding one she wanted to read.

"I'll go read this in my room" she said, getting up and heading towards the door before being stopped by train workers.
"You have to pay for that miss" one of them said
Johanna looked at the magazine in her hand "I'm only going to read it once, I'm a good person, I'll return it" she said before proceeding to walk out the door. The guy grabbed her by the top of the arm
"Don't fucking touch me" Johanna said, pulling her arm free. Walking out the door again, before, yet again, being stopped.
"You need to pay for it ma'am, it doesn't matter how many times you read it, rules are rules" he said
"Well what can I say, I'm a rebel" Johanna retorted.
"Like I said, rules are rules, you could be the mockingjay and I wouldn't care" he answered, clearly still relaxed, possible used to this sort .of behaviour.
"Okay. First, if Katniss wanted a magazine, she could easily fucking take it without all this harassment" Johanna stated
"This is awkward" katniss muttered
"Secondly, I actually know Katniss and live opposite her, and thirdly, my best point: I'm Johanna Fucking Mason. I don't follow rules" and with that, they let Johanna leave.

"I should take a magazine and see what they say" katniss laughed
"You could" I told her
"Because what can I say, I'm a rebel. And you total love that about me" Katniss said
So I told her "Katniss, I love everything about you"

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