Chapter 33

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Gales POV

"I quit!" I scream at Enobaria.

"You can't quit the RR, Beetee gave in his notice this morning, I can't do this by myself" Enobaria yells

"No, it's too dangerous, and I don't want Katniss getting hurt. Believe it or not I love her"

"You're crazy"

"I was crazy, but now I realise if we continue Katniss could get hurt or killed. I'm not risking it. Goodbye Enobaria" I said

I stormed out, navigating myself around District 2 towards my house.

I go onto the internet, searching up Katniss' profile.

"I'm sorry" I typed "I'm sorry for everything, for killing her, for joining the RR, for the accident and the kidnapping episode that I got Rory to help with. I probably deserved getting whacked with a chair and all that. But I'm really, really sorry Catnip."

I look at the message, taking a deep breath, and hitting the send button.

I then stalk through Johanna Masons profile. Quickly realising Johanna was very much like me.

"@_RealKatniss I'm not stalking you, I'm patiently observing you from a distance with a set of binoculars"

"@RealEnobaria I hope you know I hate you"

"@Haymitch_12 I broke into your house (sorry about the damage)"

"@PrimroseEverdeen happy birthday, wherever you are. We all miss you (even me) #HappyBirthdaySweetLittlePrimrose (btw that hashtag is trending) "

"Club Electro has to be the worst club ever! Like seriously, they fucking banned me and Katniss just because we beat the shit out of some assholes with chairs #ClubElectroSucks"

"My top followers are @_RealKatniss @Annie_Cresta_Odair @JMZmusic @PeetaMellark_PN and @CaesarFlickerman get your finger out if your ass Haymitch"

JMZ Music was some girl who disguised herself and threw wicked house parties

"@OdairHeIs happy birthday Finnick, Finnick Jr. Is doing well although we all call him Finn now #HappyBirthdayGodOfTheSea"

I saw a tweet to Prim, and reluctantly viewed her profile. She'd a picture of herself as her icon and a photo of her and Katniss in district 13 as her header.

"@PrimroseEverdeen I'm so sorry" I typed.

I didn't know whether I should send it, I exit out of it

"Are you sure you want to delete your tweet to @PrimroseEverdeen

I clicked okay, losing the tweet to the internet.

I couldn't do it.

It was impossible.

I knew I needed to formally apologise

I need to go to District 12 and make things right.

But not yet.

I can't yet.

Soon. I promise myself, I'll give it a year or two so that she won't be angry over the kidnapping thing, and then I can apologise for Prim. I need to apologise properly though, so I'd better get thinking

Authors note: Next chapter will be 2 years later so we can see what happens

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