Richpez - Confessions

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I woke up around 3 in the morning with my phone vibrating with a text from Lauren.

"Can yo pick me hph???? Super deunk at club!!" It read.

Oh yes I was definitely going to pick her up. I had her send me her location and threw on a shirt and found my glasses so I could drive and headed out to pick her up.

The club was a 15 minute drive from my house, but I got there in 11. Lauren didn't seem to be in any immediate danger, but still drunk Lauren worried the hell out of me, I don't care how many of our friends she was with. She could get pretty reckless when she was drunk. One time she told me she was going to swim in Lake Michigan after she'd had a few tequila shots. I hope that wasn't the plan tonight.

I called her as soon as I parked my car at the club. I found her out front, talking to the bouncer, and thanked god she was with someone who was there literally just to keep people safe.

"Joey!" She screamed when she saw me. "Sir this is the boy I was telling you all about isn't he so handsome!" She said to the bouncer, slurring some of her words and talking louder than usual.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, grabbing her around her waist to help her walk to the car.

"I'm super great! I just missed you so much, Joey!"

I thanked the bouncer for talking to her and keeping an eye on her, and lead Lauren along to the short walk to the parking lot, and my car.

"Thank you for coming to get me! I missed you so much!" Lauren said.

"You're welcome. But Lauren, we saw each other right before you left!"

"I know."

I put Lauren into the car and buckled her seat belt for her. She didn't seem very adamant on letting me leave the passengers side though because she wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me for a while.

"Let's get you home, yeah?" I said pulling out of her hug and closing the passenger side door.

I walked around the car, and prayed that Lauren wouldn't have too rough of a night and could just fall asleep when I got her home, but I was think that would probably not be the case.

Lauren grabbed my hand as soon as I started driving, which wasn't too surprising because she was always super affectionate when she was drunk.

"I like you so much, JoJo!" She said to me.

"I like you too, Lo."

"No, Joey! I like you!"

"I know you do, Lauren." I said back.

She kept ahold of my hand but didn't say anything else for the rest of the short car ride.

I pulled up to her apartment complex, and walked around the car to help her out and get to her room okay.

She was being kind of weird, and still hadn't said much since she told me she liked me. I hoped that it was because she was just tired and wanted to go to sleep and wasn't her being dramatic.

"Joey I'm sad." She said to me, while I was helping her get changed into her pajamas. She was very very drunk.

"Aww, honey. Why are you sad?"

"Because I like you and you don't like me." She said back, putting her arms down so I couldn't get a shirt, that was actually mine, over her head.

"Lo, I like you don't be ridiculous."

Lauren started crying at this.

Here we were, standing in her room. Lauren in literally only her underwear sobbing, and me holding one of my old t shirts trying to figure out what's made her so upset.

"Baby, what is wrong with you?"

"I like you so much like more than a friend and you're never going to like me back!" She said through her sobs.

Oh my god.

I couldn't help but laugh at her. This was absolutely hilarious. I wrapped her into a hug, while I laughed and let her calm herself down. When her sobs finally died down and I knew she'd be able to see me through her tears, I pulled her out of the hug.

"Why are you laughing at me?" She said giving me her pouty face.

"Baby... we're dating."

Lauren started crying again. "What?"

"Are you seriously so drunk that you forgot we were together? Baby we've been dating for two weeks now!"

Lauren threw herself at me after that and started kissing me. I kissed her back but only enough to get her off of me again

"You're fucking wild." I said to her, finally being able to put my shirt on her.

"I like you so much." She said to me again.

"I know. I like you so much"

"Will you be a good boyfriend and stay here tonight?" She asked grabbing my hand.

"Whatever you want, baby."

A/N: sorry for this I just was really in the mood to update and for some reason this is what my brain came up with! Have you guys been reading @tillytytroyesivan's story? Ugh I'm literally obsessed with it!! Thank you for reading!

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