Richpez - Crush

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"Haha! Yeah, Joey, Lauren had a total crush on you since like your senior year!" Jaime said, taking another drink.

"Shut up!" Lauren hissed to her friend.

"Aww babe! You had a crush on me! That's so cute!" Joey said bumping his girlfriends arm.

"We're dating." Lauren said plainly.

"I know but still."

"We've been dating for six years."

"You had a crush on me!"

Their friend group laughed and moved on to another topic, and Lauren gave Jaime a death glare that could cut ice.

Obviously she had a crush on Joey at some point or she wouldn't be dating him now. Just because she's had it since... over a year since they started dating doesn't mean everyone had to know. Stupid Jaime. What did she know? Besides she was wrong anyway. Lauren has had a crush on Joey since the summer before his senior year of college. If you're going to expose someone at least do it with facts.

"Hey." Joey whispered bumping her arm from where he sat beside her.


"I love you!"

"I love you too." Lauren said sounding more annoyed than anything. Even if it wasn't Joey's fault, or was it his fault for being so cute.

"If it makes you feel any better... I had a crush on you too." He whispered.

"That does make me feel better thanks." Lauren said sincerely.

Joey wrapped his arm around his girlfriend and gave her a kiss on the forehead. The pair cuddled up on the couch at Nicks house. They were all celebrating the closing of The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals, and although they used to be able to throw ragers they were all "old" now, and really couldn't do much more than have a glass of wine and relax. Joey did miss the ragers a little bit because it would always get Lauren to dance and he loved watching her dance. He'd have to say that was probably his favorite part of this musical is she had so many little dancing opportunities. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but he had asked her to choreograph the little 5 second dance duet they had in the opening song; and it wasn't because he was jealous that she got to dance with Robert so much.

"Are you ready to go?" Lauren looked up to say to him after another hour of sitting with their friends. The gathering had started to die down and basically everyone was ready for bed.

Joey nodded and stood up, dragging his girlfriend with him. They said their goodbyes, grabbed Diane, and headed out to the car.

"I can't believe it's already over!" Joey said as they pulled on the road to head home.

"I know! I miss it now, it may be one of my favorites we've done."

"Better than Firebringer?" Joey asked, slyly.

"Don't even fucking joke about that! Nothing is better than Firebringer."

The two of them laughed and rode in a comfortable silence besides the few things Lauren would say to Diane.

"Hey, Joey?"


"Jaime was wrong earlier."

"I know you didn't have a crush on me when I was still in school, Lo. It's okay we were just joking around. I know it wasn't until 2012 that we really got anywhere with our romance." Joey said, squeezing her hand.

"Well, that's where you're wrong."

Joey looked at her briefly before turning his eyes back to the road. "What do you mean?"

"I had a crush on you way before that. It started around the summer before you senior year."

'Seriously!" Joey yelled, hitting the breaks a little too hard.

"Jesus, Joey!"

"Sorry!" He said catching his breath, and removing his arm from in front of Lauren where he had instinctively reached out to shield her. "I just had no idea. Six years and you're just telling me this now?"

"I'm sorry it just... never came up."


The pair held hands in silence the rest of the way home. Joey wasn't mad, of course, it was just kind of a shock that Lauren liked him all this time before they got together.

"You wanna know a secret?" Joey asked as they were cuddled in bed.


"I've had a crush on you since the day I met you my freshman year."

"I know." Lauren said back.

"You do?"

"Yes, cutie." She said turning to face him.

"You've always been so beautiful."

Lauren smiled up at him and gave him a kiss... which turned into another kiss... and you get the point from there.

A/N: Hi thank you for reading im obviously very inspired! this was loosely based off a small part of parks and rec bc im unoriginal and have to get my ideas from other places!

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