Richpez - Comfy (3)

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"Joey!" Lauren whined.

"Lauren!" He mocked from the other room.

"Come in here and snuggle!"

"Why don't you come in here and snuggle?" 

Joey heard his girlfriend groan in frustration, and watched as Diane trotted her little body into their shared bedroom.

"Hi, bub!" He heard Lauren say, assuming Diane had jumped up to join her.

"Well, looks like you have Diane now and you don't need me!" Joey shouted, returning to reading over his script.

"No!" Lauren moaned.

Joey laughed to himself and decided to stay in the living room for another few minutes, at least. Lauren did  know that he wouldn't be able to resist for much longer, but Joey just wanted to see how long it would take for her to complain that he wasn't in there again.

"Watchout, Paul, he might kick your head!"

"Watchout, Paul, he might kick your head!"

"Watchout, Paul, he might kick your head!"

He heard his girlfriend laughing from the other room. "Jojo! Please don't say it like that!"

"Then how should I say it?"

"Uhh, like, "Why yes, Lauren, I will come snuggle with you now!"

Joey laughed and laid his script down on the coffee table, standing up to move to their bedroom.

"I don't think Nick and Matt would like me saying it like that." He said, walking down the hall.

"I can hear you getting closer dummy, just get in here already!"

Joey may have ran a little for the next few steps, to burst through their door, jump on the bed, and pull his girlfriend into his arms.

"Joey!" Lauren laughed at her boyfriend. "It's about time you showed up!"

The pair laughed, and fell silent to stare at each other. Lauren grinned at the tapping sound of Diane walking back to the living room, she obviously didn't appreciate Joey running in there as much as Lauren had.

"Hi." Joey said, leaning down to kiss his girlfriend.

"Hi." She said with a grin, after the one kiss had turned into a mini makeout session.

Joey situated them so he would be on his back, and Lauren laying on his chest with their arms around each other. Just how they liked it. He wouldn't admit it, but it was actually a pretty comfortable sleep position. The two of them have "been old" as Lauren called it and fallen asleep while cuddling after an exhausting day a few more times than he could count.

"Like I expected," Lauren said, breaking the silence, "you're much comfier than my pillow."

Joey smiled and kissed the top of his girlfriend head. "Am I now?"

"Always are." She responded, burrowing her head into his chest.

Joey started thinking about how lucky he was to be able to do this everyday again. It's still so crazy that they went so long being in a long distance relationship. Sometimes they could go a full month and a half before they would get the chance to see each other and even then it was only a few days of bliss. Now he could kiss her when he wanted, do... other things when they wanted, cuddle every day, and see her beautiful smile right there in person. How he went so long being away from her he had no clue.

"Joey?" Lauren asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.


"You're not really  going to say your line like that are you?"

"Of course I am!"


"I'm kidding! I was just trying to bug you earlier!" He said with a grin.

"You're such an ass!" She laughed, hitting his chest.

"Yes, but you love me."

"I do love you."

"I love you too."

Lauren smiled and sat up, throwing her leg over Joey to straddle him. He gave her a look to say "Oh?" before she leaned down and kissed him. 

A/N: Ya'll know what I just realized? That none of us bitch asses who write have written a multichapter were Lauren and Joey are together from the beginning. All the one shots like yeah they usually are, BUT I NEED A MULTICHAPTER!!! I can't deal with all the slowburns we got going on. I will give you a little spoiler to my new multichapter and tell you that they are getting together soon but man these slow burns are killing me! Anyway thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed my lil prompt! 

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