Richpez - Early Morning Thoughts

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"Psst, Joey!"

No reply.

"Psst, JOEY!"

She said a little louder still not getting a reply.


She said again, giving Joey a not too soft kick to the shin.

"What, Lauren?"  Joey said, maybe a little too roughly.

"Entertain me. I'm bored"

"Oh my god did you seriously wake me up just to keep you company?"

Lauren scoffed and pulled herself closer into Joey's body.

"Umm yes? You only have two more days with me and we can't spend them sleeping!" She said, resting her head on his chest.

"Okay, but we also can't do things if we're exhausted and want to lay in bed all day." Joey said, running his fingers through Lauren's hair.

Even though Joey couldn't see it, he knew Lauren was rolling her eyes at him and the fact that he wanted to be a normal human and get some sleep.

"How do you expect me to function when I have the most beautiful girl in the world around me all day if I don't get any sleep? Then I'll be a double dweeb." Joey spoke up again.

Lauren rolled her eyes yet again.

"You're the worst. You only need to be up with me for like a few more hours."

"A few more hours?! Babe we have to be up at 8:30 to get breakfast with Meredith and Brian and you want me to stay up until," Joey turned and looked at the clock resting on the nightstand, "four AM?!"

"Yeah." Lauren said, as if four hours of sleep was no big deal.

"I know we never get any sleep when we're working, but baby, you need to sleep more when we aren't working. You're gonna die before you hit forty at this rate." Joey said, pulling Lauren off of him so he could turn and look at her, regardless of the fact her could barely see her in the dark.

"Good. I'll sleep when I die then."

Joey blinked at her, trying to get his eyes to adjust.

"You are so difficult!" He said after a long pause.

"Hey you played the game and you stayed. You knew what you were signing up for!"

"Yes, I can't wait to spend the next ten years entertaining you until four in the morning until you die at the old age of forty, only for me to follow not too long after as you kept me up and I too will die at forty." Joey said, tickling Lauren playfully.

"Finally you understand!" Lauren laughed and pushed Joey's hands off of her, so she could pull herself back into his chest.

There was another long pause as Joey started to drift off to sleep. Just as he started to finally drift off, Lauren broke the silence.

"You know, I wouldn't have to keep you up like this if I moved to LA... because I'd see you all the time."

Joey blinked and tried to get his very tired brain to comprehend what Lauren had just said.

"Wait... are you wanting to move to LA?" He asked her.

"I mean I've been thinking about it. I know we've talked about it before and like getting an apartment together and stuff... I don't know... it's a dumb idea if you don't want to-"

"Oh my god, Lo! Of course I want you to move to LA! We could get an apartment and maybe get a dog and there's so much stuff you could do out there just think of all the opportunities!" Joey cut her off almost yelling his reply.

"Shh! Quiet down! It's three AM, you goon!" Lauren laughed.

"I don't care! This is great news!"  Joey basically yelled again.

"I love you." Lauren said, sitting up to kiss Joey.

"I love you too."

Lauren laid back down and cuddled into Joey, drawing patterns in his chest while they laid in silence.

Joey spent the next what seemed to be few minutes thinking of all the things he could do with Lauren when she moved to LA. He caught himself smiling at how this was them finally starting their lives together. They'd be moving in together and Lauren always wanted a dog. How could he say no when she's going to use her big eyes and pouty face when she falls in love with one? Sure they'd been dating for years, but it was like they were finally starting their lives together.

It took maybe a little too long for Joey to notice that Lauren had stopped drawing patterns on his chest, and that her breath had evened out.

"Lauren, are you asleep?"

No reply. Oh fuck.


No reply again.

"Psst... LAUREN!"

Again, no reply.

It was gonna be a long night.

A/N: HIIII IM BACK! Sorry it's taken me 800 years to update!! I should be updating multi chapters soon as well! I was sick for literally an entire month, so it was hard to come up with any ideas. Thank you for reading and being patient with me!!!

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