Richpez - Balcony Meeting

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The first time Joey ever actually met Lauren she was standing out on a balcony at some random theatre house party.

It instantly reminded him of the infamous scene from Romeo and Juliet; she was the only one on the balcony, and he was almost the only one on this side of the house.

Joey wondered if she had been doing the same thing he had and needed to step out to get some air.

He didn't know Lauren, of course, he just knew of her. She was a few years older and she was amazing! Like, no exaggeration or anything. Of course, everyone in her shared classes like Dylan and Darren and Meredith were really good too, but there was just something about Lauren that always stood out to him.

He'd never said more than a few words to her. Probably a few "Hellos." in passing and "Great job!" After performances, but other than that he had no idea who Lauren Lopez truly was.
Joey must have gotten lost in thought staring at her though because he found her staring back at him, studying him almost.

He watched as she raised her eyebrow at him, and took another swig of her drink; only to lower it down slowly and speak down to him.

"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet."

She did not speak again, and studied him almost like - oh.


She was waiting for him to continue. Fuck how did she know this when she was drunk. Joey barely knew his own name right now.

Joey put his hands up to gesture towards the short brunette and spoke, "I take thee at thy word... erm...Call me but love, I know not how to tell thee who I am. "

"Shit." The boy thought to himself.
Joey stared up at Lauren and his heart melted as she giggled.

"You're a little off there, Joey." She said through her laughter.

Joey continued to stare at her, but in shock now that she knew his name.

"Here, catch!" She said throwing something down to Joey, that he now sees as her water bottle full of things that definitely aren't water.

He caught her bottle of liquid and nervously watched as she climbed her way down the side of the house, using rails and flower gates to cling onto before swiftly jumping down in front of the y'all man.

"Hi! I'm Lauren!" She says maybe a little too enthusiastically for meeting at a house party.

"I know," Joey said back. "I mean... I'm Joey!"
He stuck out his hand to shake hers, and she did the same.

"Ya know, for a theatre major, I thought you'd have better knowledge of Romeo and Juliet." Lauren laughed and sat down on the ledge, patting next to her for Joey to sit with her as well.

"Unfortunately, I am intoxicated, and all of my knowledge of the story comes from High School Freshman English." Joey said, joining Lauren.

"Lucky you." She laughed.

Joey swore that he could listen to that laugh on repeat every day and never grow tired of it.

"So what were you doing outside all alone? Are us older majors too big of partiers for you lil babies?" She asked.

"I could ask you the same thing; you, afterall, are the one out here with a "lil baby" aren't you?" Joey shot back, trying to defend the age gap.

Lauren laughed the beautiful laugh that Joey had already fallen in love with already.

"Nah not too much partying, just too much drama," he petite girl said. "Darren and I argue you a lot when we're under the influence of alcohol." She finished sadly.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay! It's always been on again off again. But anyway, we just met! I shouldn't be telling you my relationship problems!"

"It's okay. Not like I was doing anything else really." Joey said back, gesturing around at how they were now the only ones outside.

Lauren and Joey continued to sit side by side in a comfortable silence, taking random drinks of their bottles here and there.

"You know, Joey. I can already tell we're going to be friends. You're a good guy." Lauren said leaning into him.

Holy shit.

"You want to be friends?" Joey asked, turning his body to look at her.

"Of course I do! Besides, if you don't have someone to help you through theatre 113 you'll never pass with anything above a C+!" Lauren responded turning to look at him as well.

The couple got caught in a trance almost, just staring at each other, before Lauren again broke it by pulling out her phone. Once Joey noticed what she was doing, he did the same.

"Here put your info in. I need someone younger to pick on." She said handing her phone over and shoving his arm.

The two of them laughed and exchanged contact information.

They then sat and chatted for a few more minutes before one of Lauren's friends, who Joey thinks is named Julia maybe, calls at her from the door.

"It's about time you stop being shy. You're a theatre major, Joey. It's time to break out of your shell and get to know people. Especially the ones who've been in your shoes before, we all know what it's like." Lauren hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek before waving at him and retreating back into the house of the now mostly dead party.

Joey held his cheek where Lauren had just kissed him, and decided that he might need to text her and ask her for help in his beginning theatre class tomorrow.

A/N: yeah I have no idea what this is but I needed to update. It's been very stressful for your girl lately and good thoughts would be much appreciated. Thank you all for reading and the continued support!

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