Richpez - Flu Season

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"I want to fucking die." I said in the passenger seat of Lauren's car, after a long day at the doctors office.

"I'm sorry, JoJo! I'll get you home soon I promise! I just need to stop and pick up your medicine and get some tissues and we should be good."

I groaned and put my hands over my eyes.

Everything hurt. My body, my throat, my stomach. I never get sick, so when I do it's probably the most miserable thing in the world.

Lauren reached over and grabbed my hand and started rubbing soothing circles on the back of it with her thumb. I felt miserable, but this managed to make me smile. I was so thankful that Lauren was helping take care of me while I was sick. Being sick in general sucks, but it's even worse when you're so far from your normal home.

I was nodding in and out of sleep from the soft music playing through the radio, and the smell of Lauren's perfume when the car lurched to a stop.

"Do you want to come in with me or do you want to stay out here and rest?" She asked me, moving her hand out of the grasp of mine to run it up and down my arm.

"Rest, please." I said back, pulling the handle on the side of the seat to where I could lay down.

Lauren leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back super soon I promise!" And quickly got out of the car.

I could feel my face getting red from where she kissed me, but thankfully if I ever needed any reason to I could just blame it on the fever. I've liked Lauren for ages, but I still haven't said anything to her. Meredith says she feels the same way about me, but I don't believe it.

I must have fallen asleep while Lauren was in the store, because I was woken up by her shaking my arm and asking me to take some of the medicine she had gotten me.

"I got you flu medicine, ibuprofen, cough medicine, mucinex, honey throat drops, aloe infused Kleenex, chapstick, and some lemon and lime water to detox your system. You need to take something now so we can try and get your fever down, okay." Lauren said, with a concerned smile on her face.

"God, I love you." I said back

Lauren laughed the beautiful laugh I fall in love with more and more every time I hear it.

"I love you too, JoJo! Now let's get some medicine in you, yeah?"

Lauren handed me the water and made me take the flu medicine and ibuprofen first. She read all of the labels pretty good because I technically could have taken almost everything she had got me and not had an overdose on anything. She was more worried than she should be for me just having the flu. She definitely got me way too much but I was really appreciative that she was trying to take care of me.

"By the way, flu medicine is going to make you drowsy and kind of loopy." She said to me after the fact that I'd taken the pills.

"As long as it works, I honestly don't care." I said back.

Lauren laughed again, and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. She looked over and noticed, and asked if I was feeling okay. I assured her I was, and she grabbed my hand again to continue her routine of trying to calm my down with the stroke of her thumb.

"I'm gonna bring you back to my apartment, okay? You can sleep in my room until you feel better I can bunk with Julia for a few nights. I also bought stuff to make you homemade chicken noodle soup. Does that sound okay?" Lauren asked me when we were about 15 minutes in on the 35 minute drive.

"You don't have to." I said, slurring my words a little. I was feeling kind of out of it, and just wanted to be laying in a bed.

"Well, I love you and I want to."

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