Richpez - Sleepovers 2014

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"Stay the night. Please."

I sighed and took my jacket back off before walking over to Lauren's dresser and searching for one of my shirts I'd left here to throw at her to put on before putting on the one I'd wore today.

It's been five years since Lauren had told me I loved her, and five years since I told her back. Five years since the first time we started this friend with benefits type thing and five years since she told me that the time wasn't right and maybe we could be together later. Yet here it is, five years later, we still aren't together and we're doing exactly what we did in college.

I walked over and got back in bed only got Lauren to wrap herself around me, and cuddle into my chest.

I kissed her on the forehead, and ran my fingers through her hair, just as I had five years ago.

It's almost like nothing has changed except now I live in LA and she lives in Chicago and somehow us and all of our friends stumbled into fame just doing what we love.

"Joey?" She said, almost too quietly to hear.


I pulled back to look at her, only to be met with a red blotchy face and eyes filled with tears.

"Oh, Lauren."

I pulled her back in close to me and let her sob into my chest. I didn't have to ask her what was wrong. I already knew what it was.

She felt guilty.

I let her cry until her panicked sobs had ceased and her body was calm. I let us lay there for another few minutes to make sure her panic cry was over before getting us into a sitting position.

"You don't need to feel guilty about this." I said.

Lauren wouldn't look me in the eye, and I watched as tears fell from her face onto her legs. She nodded her head and pulled her knees closer to her chest.


She just shrugged her shoulders and I watched as she looked up towards the door and back down. Lauren was never very good with emotions and often ran from the ones that scared her. I wouldn't let her run this time though, not like I did in college.

"Lauren, I'm not letting you leave this time. We're going to talk about this like adults."

Lauren just started crying again and shook her head.

"Yes. Now there's a reason you're crying. Why are you crying?

She shook her head again and crawled over to me, sitting herself in my lap and having me hold her while she cried.

I decided not to push it any further and just hope she would tell me whatever it was that was on her mind.

"I love you." I heard her whisper into my shirt.


"No. I love you."

"I love you too."

Lauren pulled back and looked at me. She still had tears running down her face, and if she even had sex hair it was gone now from how much I had ran my fingers through it trying to calm her down.

"No. I'm in love with you." She said looking me dead in the eye.

"I know what you meant."

"Why is this all we do?"

"I don't know."

She crawled the short distance back to me and sat herself back in my lap. She didn't cry this time, but spent several minutes playing with my hair, and running her hands over the upper part of my body.

"I don't want to do it like this anymore." She said to me.


"Do you want to be my boyfriend?"




We sat there in silence for a few more minutes and I wondered why we were so dysfunctional. I'm sure her parents would love to hear how in college we spent almost half a year of having casual sex even though we were in love, and then five years later we started doing it again during one of our summer seasons, only for Lauren to ask my to be official after having a complete mental breakdown.

Yup. What a story to tell. I'm sure the rest of Starkid was already pretty suspicious, or knew that something was up already. We really weren't too secretive around them, and word gets around with us.

"We're fucked up, aren't we?" Lauren asked me, breaking me from my thoughts where I was thinking the same thing.

"I suppose we are."

Lauren laughed into my chest. "Did you think this is how love was going to be?"

"Never, but this is how it is sometimes."

"I'm glad I love you."

"I'm glad I love you too."

And I was. If I was going to be fucked up like this with anyone, I'm glad it was Lauren.

A/N: I'm not going to lie to you guys I'm on so many medications for my flu right now I have absolutely no idea what happens in this chapter so I'm sorry.

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