Chapter 1

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So at the moment were on our way to first period with my worst teacher Mr.D or as I like to call him behind his back Mr.Dick.

I wish he didn't teach my Spanish class. So my low budget ass school got this Haitian man that can barely speak English completely teaching us Spanish.

Come on now people pay to much in taxes for these schools to do this to students. Then they wonder why they drop out but I honestly would never drop out because when I get older I want to be a chef.

So anyways the class has just started and all the kids are coming in. However there is one student who was lingering a little behind everyone and when I finally saw his face I noticed how amazingly sexy he is.

But you could also see his dull lifeless eyes this nigga was in serious need of love and affection. The teacher told him to say his name and he said it was Mario he was mixed with Spanish and black and his favorite thing to do was sing.

God really took his time making him because this boy was so very fine he had beautiful curly hair with with light skin and every female in the room was drooling.

He didn't look at any of them. The teacher told him to sit at the seat right behind me. The whole class went straight to work as soon as class begun.

I can feel him staring a whole into my neck what the hell is wrong with him. So since I'm not naturally a shy person I asked him why is he staring at my neck. He looked taken back by what I said but got his self together and continued staring so I asked him if he was mute because I clearly just asked him a question.

Then as quick as lightening this nigga went from shy to mean his response was "bitch could your precious looking ass please turn around before I do something that will have me put in jail" he hurt my feelings a little bit but I quickly recovered and just turned around before I choke his ass and fling him out the window with his stupid ass.

Finally class was over and as soon as I get up he says damn I can feel him staring a whole into my ass and he has the nerve to smack my ass. That was strike two for him he got the first strike when he called me precious and he has one more time to disrespect me before I'm on his ass like white on rice.

-------skips to last period-------
At the moment were in last period and can you believe this disrespectful ass nigga has been in all of my classes.

He hasn't bothered me since first period but I'm waiting patiently for him to say something.

Finally he walks up to me and says "hey Rasputia(fat lady from Norbit) can I borrow a pencil all of mine broke this was his last strike I got up and punched this nigga right in his face and I pulled the razor that I always keep at the right side of my mouth out and right when I was about to cut him school security pulled me out but I made sure I kicked that nigga right in his nuts before I left though.

I usually don't act like this but he made me mad and he hurt my feelings.

Usually I'm not hurt that easily but his words stung me. I dont understand what is going on with me at all because I'm really not short tempered at all but he was pissing me all the way off.

So at the moment Mario and I are sitting in Ms. Joseph the principals office. This is my first time being in here because I usually keep to myself but honestly I don't give a fuck I live by myself anyways.

I live by myself because both of my parents were murdered because they were deep in the drug game and a balm was put in the car they used for their date night.

So I only have my grandmother and she lives across the street but her name is on the apartment I have. Anyways back to the point we're both sitting in the office and we're both suspended but I don't regret anything I did because he deserved that shit.

He is lucky that school security came because after I cut him I was going to take out my lighter and set his hair on fire.

Anyways we both had to leave school before we could start any more trouble but right when I was about to go to the bus stop I felt a presents come behind me and something go over my mouth before I fell into a deep sleep.

(A/N I have some goals
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if we meet these goals I will post another chapter)

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