Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Today I am on a private jet heading to Italy with Jack to finally meet his family. I told Manuel that I was going and he completely flipped the hell out. Honestly I wasn't asking for anybody's permission. I am grown. Just don't try blow up my phone wondering where I'm at. He's been acting so suspicious lately and I don't even know why.
He's back in college so he forgot what he has here but I just posted a nice picture of me when I went to Miami Carnival awhile ago. Representing JAMAICA. After I posted the picture he text me and told me that I need to take it down because I don't need to be naked for anyone but him. I think he forgot so I had to express to him the fact that I AM GROWN. But the pilot just told me the plane was about to land so I needed to fasten my seatbelt.

"Welcome to Italy. Please enjoy your stay." The pilot announced as we were exiting the jet.

"This is really beautiful." I said looking around as we left the airport.

"Grazie. Benvenuto in casa mia. Penso che vi piacerà qui molto." Jack said back to me in Italian

Translation- Thank you. Welcome to my home. I think you'll like it here very much.

The only thing that I understood was thank you. Jacks family was waiting for us outside the airport. They all stood together waving and smiling. I'm assuming that's his family because they look like him. Well everybody except for his wife.

"December this is my family. This is my wife Amanda."
She was beautiful with Green eyes, jet black hair that was pulled into a tight bun, and big lips. Her body was very petite.
"This is my daughter Alina."
She looked exactly like her mother but a thicker version. She eats her rice and cabbage.

"Lastly this is my son Giovanni."
This boy was breath taking. The definition of a sex god. He had big green eyes with short black, a chiseled jaw, and big beautiful pink lips. Now he can get it.

"Hello beautiful." He said while grabbing my hand and kissing it.

My heart was going a mile a minute. I think I'm going to like it here.

(A/N Heyy I'm sorry I've been gone so long I've been dealing with some stuff. I think I'll make a rant book I'm going to try to update again tomorrow. I love you guys so much thank you for continuing to stick with me. Let's swirl up this book a little bit. Tell me what you guys would like to see happen in the next chapter. Merry Christmas. Bye babies. ✌)

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