Chapter 4

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After I spoke my mind to him he looked dumbfounded. So he said "if you're not going to give me my money you can work as my slave." I told him no to that shit too I'm not going to be any bodies slave even if he is fine as hell. All I want to do is leave. "I have one of my gang members named Shooter over at your grandmother's house so if you don't agree to be my slave and work off that money then your grandmother is as good as dead" I knew he meant what he said . I let a single tear slide down my face as I felt a terrible ache in my heart because I knew that I was going to have to become this bastards slave because I love my grandmother to much to let her just get killed like that.

"Okay" I said a little below a whisper.
"I knew you would come around" the bastard said.
"What do I have to do as your slave?" I said softly having no energy in my body left to fight.
"The usual cook, clean and sometimes cook extra if my hoes or friends come over" he said happily like we were talking about going to Disney World or something.
"I have your uniform that I  think will fit you in my room and you start work tomorrow".

"Okay" I said and he lead me to his room where my "uniform" is. This was not a uniform this is a stripper outfit. It was a little black skirt that left my legs and the bottom of my ass cheeks hanging out with a tight black shirt that had my breast spilling out." But hold up how did he have this outfit here already for me if he expected me to give him money. So I asked him and he said that this was the outfit from the old maid. Disgusting. This shit is probably filled with yeast infections. He saw my look of disgust and he said he washed it. After that he lead me to a guest room that was I have to admit kind of nice he told me I work seven days a week and he had seven different maid outfits for me to wear each day so I will have different choices. Yay for me. After that I crawled in the big queen sized bed that was in my room and fell asleep.

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