XL: Here They Come

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Alyssa: I don't believe it.

Hector: Me either, to be honest with you it's kind of a coincidence.

Alyssa: Well, at least we get to see them again.

Hector: Yeah...

Alyssa: Still upset that Dominique isn't coming?

Hector: I shouldn't be thought, she just needs some space and that's it.

Alyssa: She has to come around, one of these days.

Hector: I know,but anyways are you ready?

Alyssa: I was born ready.

Alyssa(Rosemary) and Hector went to the target section of the practice room, and they were up and ready to practice with bows and arrows. Alyssa(Rosemary) was pretty confident in herself, but making sure that she wasn't going to get to cocky. Hector was the one who shot first, and he did shot at a target but it was only by luck. Alyssa(Rosemary) shot her arrow, and nothing but confidence was out into the small arrow to hit the target.

Hector: Alright, I may be low on my archery skills but that doesn't mean that I'm terrible.

Alyssa: Okay, I'll cut you some slack.

Then Izzy came in with some news.

Izzy: Guys, you're friends are here.

Alyssa(Rosemary) and Hector put their weapons away, and headed straight to where their friends were at which was the infirmary. They went to their bedsides to see them knocked out, and not responding to anything.

Alyssa: I just can't believe that this is happening.

Hector: From what I've heard, Judith is trying to mix up a potion that could help.

Alyssa: Hopefully, Judith can make this quick.

Alyssa(Rosemary) held Dakota's hand, but something was just to go the unexpected terms. Alyssa's(Rosemary) eyes turned heavenly white, and it was showing a place that Dakota was not known off.

Alyssa: W-What the?

Dakota: Alyssa?

Alyssa: Dakota, are you okay? Are you hurt?

Dakota: Just knocked out, that's all.

Alyssa: What happened to you? Who did this?

Dakota: I don't know, but all I can remember was that there is this cloaked person who came in and knocked Maria and I. I don't know why, who the person is, or anything like that.

Alyssa: A cloaked person you said?

Dakota: Yeah, but I didn't get a good look at what 'it' looks like.

Alyssa: What else happened?

Dakota: He said to me "Where did you get this?" but I didn't know what he meant.

Alyssa: Don't worry, Dakota, Judith is working on some sort of potion that will help.

Dakota: Hurry Alyssa!

Hector: Alyssa?

Dakota: Alyssa!

Alyssa: Dakota!

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