Chapter 3

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I've been given strict instructions by the school nurse to stay in bed for a couple days. Harry and Louis have both promised they'll stay with me. It's quite sweet of them really. Both of them are bunking off to stay with me. Who am I kidding, they bunk off anyway.

"I wish I could stay with you little one. But you've got Harry and Louis." He's okay with that. He leaned down for a kiss but I pushed him away.
"It could be contagious. I don't want you to get ill as well." He rolled his eyes at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you little one." He smiled as he went towards the door.
"Love you too big one." He opened it and walked out with a massive smile on his face. Whenever I call him that he seems to perk up. I don't know what it is about it. But it's true, I'm his little one and he's my big one.


"Come on Kenzie. You need to have a shower. Or a bath at least!" They're trying to force me out of bed.
"But I'm fine where I am. Also you're guys. You're not helping me to the bath." Louis sighed and Harry looks as though he wants to punch me.

"We're gay. We'll give you a bubble bath. You don't have to worry about us seeing you naked." I suppose they have seen me nearly naked. I've been in just my underwear in front of all 4 of them. That kinda killed Liam and Niall a little. Mostly Niall.

"Fine. But you let me take myself to the bath and don't disturb me while I'm in there. If I call for you then please come quickly cause it means it's probably urgent." Both boys complied and Harry went off to run the bath.


"Harry! Louis! Come help me please." The two boys came into the bathroom, harry carrying the towel.
"I want out." I could have worded it better but it was the quickest thing I could think of saying. Both boys helped me to climb out he bath whilst looking away. Harry helped me wrap the towel around myself and they took me to my bed.

God forbid my mother hears about me being ill. She'll send someone personally to look after me. Then none of the boys could come in. I'd probably become more ill if that happened. These boys are like a medicine in ways. They're my drug.


At lunch the boys had to hide. Someone had knocked on my door. They both ran into the bathroom and then I called for them to come in.
"Miss Kenzington, how are you feeling?" She walked over and placed a tray in my bedside table.

"I'm okay thankyou Darcy." She's my favourite person here. Other than Niall of course. She's always been so much more loving and caring towards me than the other maids. She's lovely.
"Have you been told what the illness is?" I shook my head.

"Well I feel like with the symptoms you've been having it could be the flu. Although some of them are almost like pregnancy symptoms you know?" I laughed it off. There's no way I'm pregnant. This is definitely the flu. I've had the flu before. It was exactly like this.

"One thing before I leave Kenzie. Just tell those boys not to bother hiding next time I come. I know they're in here." She knows my little secret.
"I won't tell. Not even about Mr Horan either. But honestly those two are making themselves very obvious in the bathroom. What on earth are they doing in there?" She was right. They were making a lot of noise.

I told them it was safe to come out. When they opened the door and saw Darcy they looked scared.
"You boys don't have to hide from me. I'll never tell on Kenzie. She's too lovely for me to tell on her. Let Liam know this too." She knows everyone at the two schools.

"Harry, Louis, make sure to take care of Kenzie. And don't hide next time. I'm the only one who serves Kenzie whilst in her room. Literally no one else will." They all refuse to because they feel that they're not a high enough standard for someone such as me.

Darcy said her goodbyes and left the room. The boys are shocked to say the least. Nevertheless they went and sat back down on the sofa opposite my bed.

I looked over to the tray she had given me. There was a sandwhich and some crisps. I also had a few grapes and strawberries on the plate. With it came some extra food on a different plate with a note. 'For the boys' it read.

"She got some food for you two. You can have mine as well. Except the grapes and strawberries. I need fruit to keep me alive." Something healthy and nutritional like them will do me good whilst I'm ill. I'll make a mental note to thank Darcy for thinking of that.

"I've always loved the name Darcy." Harry piped up. He and Louis are always talking about names. Darcy constantly pops up from Harry.
"Sorry Harry but I've already confessed to Darcy. When I have children, if it's a girl she'll be named Darcy after the wonderful maid."

"What if I have a child first?" I have to give him that.
"Well then I supoose you get to call her Darcy. But you know, I reckon you'd only ever produce boys." He seems confused.
"Because you're a man. Only men produce boys." Louis laughed.

"Harry is no man... He's just a boy." Louis winked towards me to show he's joking.
"Hey I can be manly! And what makes you suggest that it's me who would be sperm donor? Louis could do it." I tried to think of something else to wind him up.

"Yeah but Harry... Louis is a carrier." They both seem shocked at my statement.
"Well he could be anyway. You don't know unless you try." Harry is a protection freak so they'd never be able to test that one out.

"Whatever you say Kenzie..." He's sighing it off and eye rolling at me non stop.
"But it's true. I am a carrier." Yet again I recieved a wink from Louis who made me play along for another ten minutes.


Niall got to the room once all lessons were over. He was happy to see that I was sat up and that both boys were no where near me. Instead they were snuggled on the couch together watching a movie with me on the tv.

I was reading a book when he came. Whenever I read I get really into the book so I barely noticed him walking through the door. It wasn't until he placed a kiss on my forehead that I realised he was actually there.
"Darcy knows about us." Wrong thing to say.
"So do a lot of people... Someone's been spreading it." That kind of scared me a little bit.

"After neither of us showing up in that assembly people assumed that we were together the whole time. I heard a couple students say they thought we were fucking." Well any other time and they wouldn't be wrong. That time in particular we weren't. For once.

"Well those people are just assuming. Let me talk to Lots. She'll stop 'em." I looked over at Louis.
"Lou, tell Lots to help me stop the rumors of me and Niall." All three boys rolled their eyes at me.
"What? I can't be bothered to pick up my phone. I'm too weak and I'm ill." Any excuse will do.


Liam came in after dinner. He wasn't in his uniform so that told me he wasn't here to warn the boys of an assembly or of their evening reading. That's a shitty thing that both schools do that they really shouldn't. I love reading yes, but in front of others? That's a big no from me.

We all sat and watched a movie together on my TV. The boys nearly all fell asleep in my room. I'm glad they didn't otherwise Liam would get a right old telling off. Even though he's allowed to leave at the end of the term and they might as well let him keep it, they'd take his position away from him. He's not allowed to break rules. Yet here he is breaking many rules right now.

A/N happy Easter everyone! I went to watch Peter Rabbit the other day and it was really good. I think if James Cordon wasn't Peter it wouldn't have been as good. Just my opinion though... love you all!


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