Chapter 27

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"How are you getting on in the kitchens Bentley?" I'm doing my monthly visit around the house and short interviews to question all the people that work here. There's a lot less now that mum isn't here. I get bored on a day to day basis so do a lot of the things myself.

"Very well thankyou Kenzie. Now if you don't mind I've got some cupcakes to attend to." I do love it when he makes cupcakes. They're the best cakes I've ever tasted in my entire life! Putting Bentley in the kitchen instead of driving is definitely the best thing I've ever done.

"Of course Bentley. I'll leave you to it. Thankyou." I gave him a warm smile as he got up and left. Then in came Baylee. She's quite new staff I suppose. We only hired her a couple months ago.

"Now Baylee, are you definitely happy with the job you have? I can see you don't entirely seem to be enjoying your work and that displeases me." Not because she doesn't work hard because she most definitely does, but she seems to prefer other things.

"I can assure you I'm fine Kenzie. Although- never mind." I urged her to continue
"It's fine. You can tell me. After all these meetings are so we can discuss your role here. If you're not happy I can change it." There's something on her mind.

"You can tell me Baylee. I won't mind." I'm giving her lots of reassurance. She's quite shy.
"Well I would very much like to work in the gardens." I have enough maids and nurses anyway. Having a third member of garden staff wouldn't hurt. They'd get the job done nicely.

"Of course Baylee. That's absolutely fine. Finish off the day maiding then at the end of the day collect your new work clothes in the laundry room. Thankyou Bay." She thanked me many times before walking out the door.


I've finished talking to everyone and done a fair few swaps of jobs. I'm just happy everyone is comfortable with what they're doing. They all know they can tell me absolutely anything and I'll help them with it where possible.

When the door opened again I got slightly confused. But it was only Niall.
"Hey gorgeous girl. Me and Bee wanted to come and see you." He came and passed Bee over to me.
"Well hello there my little princess. Mummy's missed you." I tapped her on the nose and she didn't move. She's fast asleep.

"You have a couple guests. One of them has a few things that he would like not only you but all of us to hear." A couple of guests? I don't remember inviting anyone around for today.

Niall held his hand out to me which I gladly took.
"Let's go see what they want then shall we?" I made sure Breyah was safely in my arms before we even started going anywhere.

Out in the cosy room sat the two guests Niall was talking about as well as the other kids.
"Hunter! Dad! It's so nice to see you both again." I always bloody love it when they come here.

"We come bearing some news. News that your mother hadn't ever told you. Liam and Louis will find this very interesting too." Mum never told me anything. Of course there's going to be a few things that I don't know.

"What would they be dad?" He took a long sip of his coffee before talking.
"Well which would you like to hear first? The one about Liam or the one about Louis? Maybe the news about Harry. Or maybe even Zayn. Not Niall though. Although I could say something about them." That's crazy! There's things to know on all of them.

"Niall then Harry. Then the other three in whatever order you want because I want the exciting stuff last." From the way he's making it sound, it seems important.

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