Chapter 5

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Mother had someone come and wake me up in the morning. There was a knock on the door and thankfully we were all awake. The boys quickly hid under my bed as I told Lori to come in.

"Miss Kenzington your mother would like you, and sir Liam if you could possibly ask for him too?" I didn't understand why Liam too. Surely my mother wouldn't want to talk to him about anything.
"Why Liam? Lori?" She turned to exit the room.

"Lori you are not allowed to ignore me. Answer my question or I could have you fired!" I'd never get her fired. She's lovely.
"I'm unable to say due to your mother not telling me miss. Please, I'll wake sir Liam if it's a problem?" I shook my head and waved my hand for her to go.

The boys all came out from under the bed and we all looked at each other weirdly.
"I'm a sir now? That's new." It's always just been Liam. But now it's sir Liam. None of the other boys get called sir. Unless it's because he's now an adult? If so then Niall would be a sir too, and Greg and all their parents.

"Come on 'sir' Liam. We've got to attend to my mum. She doesn't like to be kept waiting." He quickly checked through his suitcase hidden in the corner for something more suitable. He chucked on a pair of plain pyjama bottoms and a decent top with no swear words on like the one he's wearing.

As he got changed Niall covered my eyes. Of course he covered my eyes. Why wouldn't he fucking cover them?
"Ni baby it's not like he's naked..." He still kept my eyes covered.

I'm already decent in a full pyjama set so as soon as Liam was ready we left. I gave the boys strict instructions to go to their assigned rooms. The same as their usual ones. The whole way downstairs me and Liam questioned each other what this was all about.

I walked into mum's office, Liam following closely behind. She's sat by her desk and over on the couch is- Liam's mum and dad. She waved her hands for us to sit on the mirroring sofas.

"Darling how are you this morning?"
"Fine thankyou mother." Something seems different about her.
"And you Liam?" So he's not a sir anymore?
"Fine thankyou ma'am." She gave us both smiles and Liam's parents looked over to us. They didn't speak, just looked.

"Mother, please could you enlighten me as to why you've called us both here before breakfast?" It's either because you're in trouble or if something really serious has happened.
"Well Kenzington, it's a bit of a story. As you know I am the duchess of this part of the country." She's a duchess? It all makes sense now.

"You are heir for my position. All rights go to you as you are my eldest and Blake has no way of taking my place." Of course he doesn't. My stepdad's an ass.
"What about Hunter? Surely he should take the position?" He's older so it would make more sense.

"You know that is not possible Kenzington. Now back to what I was saying, you are taking my place. Because of this I believe you need to marry. My mother made me do that with your father before she would even say I was heir." I remember grandma telling me about that.

"But mother I'm too young to marry. I'm only 17." With mum a wedding can be done in a day. She can call all her people and have it sorted by that evening if she really wanted to. She's a bit crazy like that. She does it with parties as well.
"That's why you'll marry just before the new year." Is she mad?

"Can I at least choose who I marry?" I questioned but she didn't have time to answer before Liam but in.
"I'm sorry but what's the reason for me being here?" I'm confused about it too buddy.

"That's where you come in Liam. Your parents and I have discussed things. As you're old enough and you're also head boy, Kenzington is head girl, you're the perfect match." Please tell me this isn't going where I think it is.
"What are you saying mother?" This is probably, most definitely, 100% going where I think it is.

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