Chapter 7

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I unlocked the door and barely took a step in before I realised the boys are already here.
"Darcy unlocked and opened the window for us." I absolutely love that name. So does Harry. It's just a race to see who can use it first.

I walked in and locked my door behind me. Going to sit on the bed I noticed Zayn wasn't here. I'm sure he said he was coming back?
"He couldn't come back. He's not allowed back in after what happened. He's unsafe." Liam would have been part of that decision. Surely he could've said things to help Zayn get back in. We'll just have to plan this all without him.

Since we couldn't exactly write up a plan at home, we're doing it here. Mum would probably find our notes at home so it's the safest option. No one is allowed into my room unless invited. The only people that get invited in are Darcy and sometimes Lottie or Mal.

Everyone at both the girls and boys school now know about the wedding. Everyone and their parents and siblings are invited. I suppose it's quite a big deal really. I am a soon to be duchess. Kind of. Not that soon. But mum's old. Or getting old. She's still got like 50 years in her but she's not going to last that long. Sorry mother.

"So the plan?" They want to get straight into it.
"We've got to wait for the girls. My sisters are in on this too." All of my half siblings know about the arranged marriage. But they also know that I'm in a relationship with Niall. None of them have told on me because they're nice... Kinda.


Lottie is now here to represent for all the girls. Girls meaning my sisters and her sisters. Then there's the boys all here representing themselves. All of them are a big part of this.

"So can we discuss the plan now?" That's all Niall's been wanting to do for the past hour. He really doesn't want this arranged marriage to happen. But it's not going to, as I've told him a thousand times. If we stick to the plan we'll be fine.

"Yeah... Let's get started." They're all looking at me intently. Liam and Lottie are taking notes. One lot for the boys and one lot for the girls. This isn't going to sound like a lot to say. But there's a lot to it than meets the eye.

"Okay so we start off with me and Liam. We have to act all loved up in front of my mum and step dad. Not that he's ever around much." He didn't even attend the formal dinner the other night.

"The build up to the wedding we've got to be all lovey dovey in front of them and really willing. Niall you've got to place a few hickeys on my neck for the full effect." He gave me a cheeky wink.
"I'm fine with that babygirl." we had a quick kiss but stopped ourselves since we have company.

"Liam I want you to choose your best man wisely. Who's it going to be?" It needs to be someone trustworthy.
"Can I have Niall as best man?" Exactly what I was hoping for.

"Perfect! That way when the next part of the plan happens he's right there and it doesn't take so long for him to- but then- that's an issue- wait no it's all good." I stopped talking to myself and shut up.

"Anyway, we of course have all the close friends and family right at the front. Everyone that was invited to the dinner is classed as close friends. They'll all be sat at the front. Bridesmaids and page boys are at the front too." They need to be chosen wisely as well.

"I've got all of them already. Daisy and Phoebe can go with Mat and Seb as 'chaperones'. Willow and Aurelia can walk down together, easy. Harry and Louis, you will be chaperoning each other down the aisle. Lotts, you can walk with Mal and Fizzy. That should be everyone." I left Zayn out of that for a reason. It would just be awkward.

Everyone's happy with their positioning. It seems perfect to me. My siblings will be happy and everyone else will most likely be happy too. Daisy and Phoebe are friends with my brothers so it's great. Identical twins with more identical twins. That's going to be quite funny.

"So next we have the actual ceremony. Mum wants my stepdad to walk me down the aisle but I told her no. She said she would but again I told her no. Harry and Louis, you aren't just chaperoning each other. You're last. You're chaperoning me." Both boys got a bit giddy and excited.

"So when I get to you Liam, Nialler will of course have to go and sit down. He'll be sat with the boys though so it's fine. But this is where the main part of the plan comes in." This is the part that involves the whole of the two schools.

"I can expect to see everyone there because of the importance of my family. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to come." They seem confused.
"What does the rest of the school have to do with it?" Just a little more and they know it all.

"Lotts, I want you to spread something round the school. People can question me if they're unsure. When the vicar says something along the lines of 'does anyone object' I want everyone to stand up. One by one I want everyone to say 'I object'." Now they understand the plan.

"Go now. That's all you need to know Lotts. The rest is up to me, Niall and Liam." She hugged me and left the room, notes in hand. She'll of course tell the others first. Hopefully she can get them to help spread the idea too.

"Harry, Louis, I want you both to stand up and be the first people to say you object. Niall, you last. But technically Liam last. Because then Liam you say you don't want to marry me. My mum will kick up a fuss and you say you want me to marry Niall instead." They like where this is going.

"Mum will probably kick up a fuss again but then you swap places with Niall. She has no choice in the matter as at this point in time the vicar can only listen to my requests, not my mums. Much to her dismay of course." She can't do sod all then.

"So finally what happens is me and Niall exchange vows and we kiss and we fucking celebrate! And my mum will get angry at me for what I did but she can't give me a gobful because she'll be crying." Proud of her daughter who's all grown up. Kinda.

"Oh and she'll also tell me that I'm not allowed kids with you yet. She'll probably tell me I need to divorce you. Then she might agree to let me stay married to you but I'd have to have Liam's kids. Again like I told her, it isn't going to happen." I don't need to rant about it anymore.

"I don't fancy 'shoving my dick in your vagina', as you so nicely put it the other day, anyway!" I did say that didn't I? Well that's awkward. I don't think it meant to come out like that. But he's right. The only dick I'm taking is Niall's.

"Oh and by the way Nialler, you'll have to remember the vows. There's too many for the vicar to go over it with us." There's a special something I included in yhe vows I've got here.
"The Irish vow of unity? Really? Why?" Is he dumb?

"Bro you're Irish. Is that a good enough reason? Plus I think it's cute anyway. But maybe we shouldn't use them?" The words are so sweet. I can't help but admire it. I'd use it even if I wasn't marrying Niall. Although these vows are technically long enough to not have it in but I have to!

"So you're memorising these. So am I. We'll do this together." I handed him the paper with all the vows on. He read over them all in shock.
"This is a lot to remember."
"Think of it as a song. Sing them if you really have to." That's how I'm going to memorise them.


At dinner I got so many questions. The boys also found the easiest way to spread the rumor. Literally just play chinese whispers at dinner. It would go down each row on the table and the people at the end would go to the next table and tell them.

Lottie did it the same way. When it came to our table everyone looked at me. I had a million questions being thrown at me. No one gave me a chance to answer properly so they were all quite rushed. At least now everyone knows my idea.

A/n so I go back to school in a couple days. I'm in year 11 which means I've got a lot of exams coming up in May. I'm not looking forward to it. When I go back I've also got 5 mocks that I've got to do which should be fun...


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