Chapter 24

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"Ni baby you might want to move."
"Because I'm about to throw up all over you." He quickly grabbed the bowl and shoved it under my face. Three seconds later I puked my guts up.

"Well isn't this a lovely sight to walk into." I didn't bother looking up to see who it was. I can tell by the voice.
"Liam please go. Unless you want to watch me being sick I sugge-" that's all I could say before it started again.

"It's fine Kenzie. I'm here to look after you." Or at least I think that's what he said. I couldn't really tell because of the fact I was puking at the time. Either way he came and sat next to me on the bed and rubbed my back. Although that could have been Niall rubbing my back.

"Thankyou. You boys don't have to do this for me. I could just go to see the nurse downstairs." Both boys shook their heads rapidly.
"Not a chance beautiful. You're staying here where I can keep an eye on you. It's just sickness. You're fine here." It's funny how overprotective he gets.

"Knock knock. We're coming in." And in came the two other boys I was expecting to arrive. Of course when you get one come in, the others have to follow. They brought an adorable little one in with them along with Chicken so I'll accept it.

"Oh you missed it! Kenz was just puking her guts up. If only you'd seen." Niall joked. The boys both did a sarcastic laugh. I would laugh but I have the fear I'll throw up if I do.

"How far along are you now?" They came and sat down in front of me, handing Darcy over.
"2 weeks left. It could technically be any day now. But I've been instructed by the 'nurse' to stay in bed all day. Isn't that right nurse Horan?" I gave him a cheesy grin.

"What are you on about? Of course it was the nurses words. Not mine Kenz. I can't promise anything but- okay yeah it was mine." We all knew that anyway. He didn't need to admit it to us.


"Nialler, can you get me your jumper?" He sighed.
"Kenz, that's the 5th jumper of mine you've wanted in the space of an hour. What's wrong with the other four." I'm lying on all those.
"They're underneath me. I need another one to snuggle up to." Again he let out a loud sigh.

"Fine. But only because I love you." He walked over to the wardrobe and grabbed the 5th hoodie out then came back and handed it to me.

"No Liam don't sit there! Don't move. You'll regret it." He was about to pull the blanket over him. But that's the exact place we fucked last night. Now I'm ill so I haven't let the maids in to clean the sheets.

"Kenzie is ill. Did you two really fuck last night?" Niall needed some relief. I may have tortured him in the bath. Why wouldn't we fuck? I wasn't going to leave him to sort out his boner on his own.

"Nialler, can you get me-"
"I'm on it." He got up and grabbed another one of his hoodies from the wardrobe.
"I was going to say another blanket but this is even better." He huffed in annoyance.

"Nialler can you-"
"I'm not getting up again. Ask someone else." He's getting fed up.
"I just wanted to know if you could come cuddle. I want hugs." Now he looks annoyed at himself.

"Of course I can babygirl." He scooched over and pulled me into his lap. I could quite happily fall asleep here. With his jumper tightly tucked into my arm too...


"Kenz- Kenzie- come on it's time to wake up. It's time for food." They woke me up to eat? That's kind. But I can't eat. I'll just end up throwing it all back up again.

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