Chapter 16

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"Kenz- Kenzie- kenziee- keennzziiee! Waakkee uupp!" Harry voice droned on and on in my ear. I couldn't bare it anymore.
"WHAT?" I turned round and shouted which startled him a little.

"Wake up! Get up! We need to get ready." Last night was crazy and I need to sleep.
"Haz we don't need to be there until 3. It's currently-" I picked my phone up to check the time.
"It's 8 in the morning Haz! Wake me up at 10." He's not impressed.

"Fine!" The duvet moved a little and I felt arms wrap around me.
"Haz you're cold. Get off." Then he wrapped his entire body around me.
"Actually no stay. You're warm. Let me fall asleep first." He let out a huge sigh.


"Kenz- Keennzziiee! Please wake up now. It's 10. Pleeaassee!" The groaning is annoying. And I did say ten.
"Fine. I'm awake. I'm getting up. I'm alive." I pushed the duvet up slightly and sat up.

"I'm getting married today Kenz!" As if I didn't know that.
"I know Haz. That's at 3. You have time. It's in 5 hours." There's noise going on outside the bedroom. If Louis is here right now then Harry is going to go mental and I think I might also scream.

"Who's out there?" It's more than 3 voices. It can't be the other 3 then.
"The girls and Ernest." It's just a closed private wedding. They're holding it in Cheshire because Doncaster is a no no. We would have booked out the place me and Ni got married but I don't want to be too near to her just yet.

"The girls as in Lou's sisters?" He nodded. Then he gave me a cheesy smile.
"Your sisters are here too." He's lying.
"No they aren't. Don't give me false hope." Why is he still smiling like that? It's creepy.

"At least go out and say hello to them. I had to let them in because you were asleep. Although two of them kinda helped." He had to get two of them to help him let them in? Harry isn't a dumbass. It doesn't take much to open a door.

Either way I jumped out of bed and left the room, Haz following right behind me. Coming out from the hallway I noticed a room full of girls. And one adorable little boy stood right next to his twin. (Who is also equally as adorable!)

"Kenzie!" They all rushed up to me and I was surrounded in a thousand hugs. Or so it felt like I was. When I was finally realeased I understood what Harry was saying.

"Relly! Will! You're here? What the fuck are you doing here?" They came and gave me seperate hugs.
"Larry invited us to their wedding. The boys too. But they couldn't come. It would seem too suspicious." I'm so happy they're here.

"We travelled up at 6 this morning. Mum thinks I'm at Lucy's house for the weekend. Lucy is covering for me." Lucy is Relly's best friend.
"I'm so happy you're here! I've missed you both so much. I'm sorry I haven't seen you sooner." I'm a terrible sister. I should've at least told them to visit or try and visit myself.


"Let me see the dresses!" No one knows what anyone is wearing for today. We've all got different things since there's no bridesmaids or anything like that. Just guests. Gemma has just arrived too. She looks as gorgeous as ever.

I'm not changed yet so I'm sat with Harry whilst we're getting our hair done. Lottie will be doing my makeup. The girls did all theirs themselves. I only get special treatment for a reason. I'm the one walking Haz down the aisle. Lou too.

I've got to leave Haz on his own whilst I go in to Louis. I'll walk Lou in and then walk back to the door again. Then Harry will come in and I'll walk him down too. They thought it was only fair since they walked me down the aisle on my wedding day.

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